NewsScope for November 9, 1998
by WolfStar

Republicans in Disarray

Reversing the normal pattern of gaining seats in mid-term elections, Republicans lost five seats to whittle its advantage in the House to a narrow majority. The backlash in party politics was immediate, with the impeachment process put on the fast track, and Speaker Newt Gingrich resigning.

The central astrological indicator for these stunning events is Uranus, the planet of sudden reversals, which is closely squaring the U.S. Ascendant.* Uranus brings unexpected results, and can lead to swift changes.

Meanwhile, the outer planets Saturn and Neptune continue to pull party loyalists in different directions. Moderate and Christian Coalition wings of the Republican Party are vying for a more practical, bipartisan agenda (Saturn) and a principled, divinely-inspired platform (Neptune).

Can George Bush III lead the GOP out of this morass? Holographically connected to this process of dissolution, Honduras and neighboring Central American nations lost over 12,000 people to landslides last week. As Ceres and Pluto oppose each other in the sky over the coming week, Red Cross and other global relief agencies are swarming onto the scene.

As Governor of Texas, Bush had a similar catastrophe on his hands following drought and flooding this past Summer (when transiting Uranus activated his Ceres-Pluto axis). Just as Bill Clinton’s Don Juan planets constellated a Monica Lewinski, George Bush’s planets will likely coincide with cataclysmic natural disasters if he is elected in 2000.

Geron Corporation Patents Immortality

Last Thursday the Geron Corporation, a small California biotechnology firm, announced that it had discovered a way to grow human stem cells in test tubes. Their genetic research involves primary, embryonic brain cells which are essentially immortal until they differentiate into human organs. Futurologists suggest that this breakthrough could eventually lead to immortal replacements parts for diseased organs.

Geron’s stock price soared from $7 to $17 in two days, a quantum leap which can be tracked by viewing Geron’s First Trade chart. Geron began trading on the NASDAQ market when the Sun was in proud Leo (July 31, 1996; 9:30 am; NY, NY), and closely aspecting most of the outer planets, including futuristic, high-tech Uranus. The stock price jumped just as transiting Uranus was exactly opposite Geron’s Sun (and triggered by a Mars-Jupiter opposition to Geron’s Midheaven).

Geron’s unique corporate position is shown by the Sun’s conjunction to the U.S. North Node, which indicates a magnetic pull to collective evolutionary trends. Geron is a pharmaceutical company, an endeavor traditionally ruled by Neptune. Geron’s First Trade Ascendant is in the same zodiacal location as the U.S. Neptune, indicating that this company is a perfect vehicle to manifest American pharmaceutical ventures.

Geron’s Aquarius Moon happens to be perfectly in line with the U.S. Aquarian Moon. Over the next two years (when the progressed U.S. Sun nears the U.S. Moon), Geron Corporation will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping America’s future. The future is in biotechnology, and astrologically Geron is a rising star.

Gingrich Busted by Saturn

In the wake of disastrous election results for Republicans, Newt Gingrich announced last week that he was resigning from his position as Speaker of the House. The job description included being the chief Republican strategist, from where Gingrich led the partisan attack on Clinton’s ethics rather than forging legislation.

Gingrich was born an intellectual Gemini (June 17, 1943; 3:03 am; Harrisburg, PA) with his Moon in philosophic, moralistic Sagittarius. Gingrich’s combative nature can be seen in his Mars and Pluto positions. Mars is strong in Aries, but placed in the 12th house works more efficiently fighting the powers that be, rather than in building consensus in a leadership position.

Gingrich’s Pluto squares his Taurus Ascendant, an aspect that gives his conservative presentation passion and resourcefulness, but is prone to being the troublemaker, the one strong voice that creates factional politics.

Gingrich’s horoscope has very precise alignments with the U.S. horoscope which reflects why he has had such an impact on American politics. His 8 degree Taurus Ascendant is exactly 180 degrees flipped from the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant. Then, his tenth house Juno, which governs his professional career, is exactly conjunct the U.S. Pluto. The timing of his professional highs and lows correspond precisely to the activation of these U.S.-natal parallels.

Gingrich arrived in power in 1994 when transiting Uranus landed on his Juno, so that he led a Republican Revolution. He retires suddenly and unexpectedly as transiting Uranus is squaring his Ascendant. And perhaps more significantly, Saturn is now crossing his Juno, painfully pointing out that his scandal-mongering was just not practical politics.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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