NewsScope for November 2, 1998
by WolfStar

Celestial Lightening

Within a few short days last week major developments lit up the political landscape like a series of lightening flashes. The American news media couldn’t portray the significance of these developments due to the all-consuming elections, but astrologically the sudden events were clearly circumscribed.

The Sun and Venus have been traveling together through early Scorpio, a charismatic combination which highlighted the national marketability of a several regional politicians, plus an American hero in the business of promoting NASA. When the Sun and Venus reached the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant last Friday, John Glenn and the space shuttle Discovery passed over Perth Australia where the entire city was suddenly illuminated to greet the legendary astronaut.

However, the Sun and Venus together were being challenged by a resolute Uranus in Aquarius, a combination which leads to rapid development of crisis situations. In Palestine, Yassir Arafat rounded up hundreds of Hamas sympathizers, including the revered leader Sheik Ahmed Yassin, in order to comply with the recent Wye summit agreement. Arafat faces civil war if he keeps Yassin imprisoned, and Netanyahu faces his own political survival problems as transiting Saturn soon opposes his Libra Sun.

Iraq’s President Saddam Hussein once again challenged the U.S.-led economic sanctions, refusing to allow weapons inspectors any more latitude. This is the third and final pass of transiting Uranus to his Taurus Sun, and like celestial clockwork, each and every pass has led to a stubborn defiance of international will.

Saturn and Neptune Battle for One World

Last week brought the culmination of another major outer planet configuration, the square (90 degree aspect) between Saturn and Neptune. These two were forming the second of three squares bridging financial Saturn in Taurus, and the alliance building Neptune in Aquarius.

International alliances were growing in power under this week’s dynamics. Russia’s economic plans were rebuffed by the IMF bank as not being compatible with the global economy, but may be saved as Bill Clinton revealed plans to buy out Russia’s nuclear armaments. NATO decided to not bomb Milosevic’s ground forces, as the European military alliance subtly replaced the ineffective United Nations peacekeeping force as the provincial cop.

The Saturn-Neptune influence has wreaked havoc in the global economy, forcing international financiers to derive a system for regulating international capital flows. As was forecast in the October 12 NewsScope, the world’s seven richest industrial nations have pooled their political clout to endorse a global economic strategy.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) will be replenished (following Congress’ approval of an $18 billion cash transfusion) to support fragile economies. Brazil will likely get a $30 billion loan to support the entire South American financial structure. A plan to deal with insolvent banks in Japan will fortify the Asian economy, and lower interest rates will fend off worldwide recession.

The agreement between the seven richest nations, collectively called the G-7 countries, marks the first detailed blueprint for managing the global economy. On January 1, 1999 the Euro will be introduced, for the first time uniting the diverse European cultures under one currency. The Saturn-Neptune square, difficult as it has been, is replacing national sovereignty with a regional identity, and eventually a One World perspective.

King George III Anointed in Texas

Republican strategists, hoping to retake the White House in two years, are eagerly watching the Texas Governor’s race where George W. Bush III is expected to win handily. Preliminary polls indicate that George the Younger would easily win over Al Gore in the next Presidential race.

George Bush was born on July 6, 1946, with his Cancer Sun exactly aligned with the U.S. Sun. Bush also has Saturn in Cancer (like Kenneth Starr who was born only two weeks later), giving him a strong sense of family responsibility with traditional patriotic and homespun values. Bush often jokes about his easy celebrity, saying this is what happens when you’re mother is famous.

George Bush III has more in common astrologically with Bill Clinton than he does with his father. Both Bush and Clinton have several planets in Libra, which gives an irresistible aura of charm and social grace. Bush has risen to the top of Republican contenders in spite of his relative lack of political experience because of his diplomacy and mediation skills, which are well-known Libran characteristics.

The most powerful dynamic in Bush’s horoscope is a Mercury-Pluto conjunction opposed to Ceres in Aquarius. The Mercury-Pluto combo at its best brings profound intellectual and persuasive powers, but at its worst can cause dogmatic, obsessive thinking. The connection to Ceres in Aquarius emphasizes his personal family connections, from which a larger political agenda naturally evolves. Transiting Uranus enters Bush’s Mercury-Pluto axis this December when he will probably leak his decision to run for President.

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