Past Issues

NewsScope for November 1, 1999
by WolfStar

Fighting Corruption in High Places

Armenians were horrified last week when gunmen invaded the nation’s Parliament and assassinated the Prime Minister and several other top officials. The terrorists complained that government bureaucrats were corrupt, and undermining Armenia’s fledgling capitalist economy. The same explanation was evoked a week earlier during Pakistan’s coup and Indonesia’s elections.

The outer planet tension between Saturn and Uranus circumscribes a global effort to combat bribery and kickbacks. Saturn is in the money sign of Taurus, and at its best can describe the captains of finance who have successfully managed the global economy. At its worst, Saturn in Taurus is stubbornly self-interested at the expense of others, and excessively materialistic.

Uranus in Aquarius is revolutionary, and promotes radical solutions to chronic problems. In the United States fighting financial corruption is known as Campaign Finance Reform, and has become the most promising issue for the second tier presidential candidates. In the Republican debates Senator John McCain broke out of the pack by challenging the prominence of Big Money. Likewise, Bill Bradley and Pat Buchanan have both found strong voter support by attacking corporate meddling in politics.

Over the next week the Sun moves into the degree zone occupied by Saturn and Uranus, and is most explosive between November 4th and 6th. Expect major developments wherever the old system (Saturn) is being challenged by the innovative and new (Uranus). China’s attempt to control the accelerating rebelliousness of the Falun Gong movement is one likely hotspot.

Jupiter Brings Obesity Epidemic

A flurry of medical studies on obesity were released last week describing America’s weight problem as an epidemic, killing some 300,000 annually. The Center for Disease Control reported that Americans with over 30 percent body fat rose from one in eight in 1991 to one in five in 1998. Another study claimed that over half of Americans are overweight, and 22 percent are considered obese. The prestigious Journal of American Medical Association called for a comprehensive national strategy to prevent obesity, aiming at poor nutrition and lack of exercise.

Astrologically, the planet Jupiter represents the tendency to over-eat. Jupiter is currently in the U.S. sixth house of health, and making a link to reform-minded Pluto over the next four months. In this position, health experts have seen the harmful impact of fast food promoted by marketing geniuses. Experts also cite how much TV people watch, and how labor saving technologies have also contributed to America’s increasingly sedentary lifestyle.

The timing of these reports can be seen in Mercury’s placement. Mercury rules reports and documents, and last Tuesday when the first of these studies was released Mercury was forming an exact link to Pluto. Pluto by transit is in the U.S. second house where it has led to a technological revolution (opposite Uranus) and a rapid increase in wealth. Over the last few years America’s widening girth is expanding at virtually the same rate as its accumulated wealth.

Payne Stewart Rides the Ghost Jet

Last Monday the nation watched in horror as golfer Payne Stewart’s Leerjet flew 1400 miles on automatic pilot until it crashed near Mina, South Dakota. Stewart and his five companions presumably died of hypoxia around 10:45 to 10:47 am when the jet failed to make a standard course correction over Gainesville, Florida.

Unfortunately, we don’t have an exact time of birth for Payne Stewart, though his birthdate is widely quoted as January 30, 1957 (in Springfield, MO). His Sun and Moon in Aquarius and opposite Uranus gives ample astrological impetus for his quirky personality, demonstrated by his baggy knickerbockers and flamboyant lifestyle.

At cross purposes to his Aquarian planets are Mars and Neptune, which together with Uranus create a temperamental personality, prone to angry outbursts and volatile changes in mood. Stewart is one of the top money winners in the golf world, but until 1999 has been plagued with several second place finishes.

This year Stewart’s progressed horoscope reflects his unexpected change in status. His progressed Vesta, Mars and Pluto are forming a powerful T-Square, a combination which gives an overwhelming competitive edge. Stewart was suddenly a winner, with major endorsement contracts, and working on more deals the day he died.

Mars-Pluto connections also attract vicious enemies. The Ascending degree over Gainesville fits perfectly into Stewart’s progressed T-Square, completing the missing angle. Then, the closest aspect at the time of the Ghost Jet incident was a Sun-Neptune square.* This Sun-Neptune aspect makes an exact hit on Stewart’s Mars, all of which suggests foul play and sabotage.

* Advanced astrologers will find corroborating indicators by investigating the midpoint trees on Chiron. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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