Past Issues

NewsScope for October 25, 1999
by WolfStar

Saturn and Uranus Shake Up Planet Earth

Major earthquakes in California and Taiwan rocked the tectonic plate structure of planet earth last week, continuing a series of deadly and frightening global shake ups. Ecological disasters also received a number of high profile stories, including the unprecedented decimation of the lobster populations on the East Coast, and the Salmon populations in the West.

The outer planets Saturn and Uranus are nearly exactly square each other, and closing in tighter over the next month. These two heavies create a cosmic dynamic which guarantees troubled times in many diverse fields of interest. Besides the geological and ecological tension, the global political atmosphere has also been unusually tense. Russian bombardment of Chechnya, and political upheaval in Indonesia and Pakistan led many news headlines.

Uranus is now heading toward its exact square with Saturn, scheduled for November 13. The old order is replaced by the new order; destruction of unchanging, stagnant structures can be expected. The process is often filled with tense, hostile action in the political and/or military realm. Watch on November 4th, 5th, and 6th when the Sun triggers these two for the most important developments.

Technological innovations should be coming in waves now. An example of this kind of new order was seen last week as Uranus, the planet of technology, turned direct. A Woolly Mammoth was found completely encased in ice in Siberia, and scientists think they can clone its still viable blood cells into a newborn Woolly Mammoth, much the way Dolly, the first cloned sheep, was created.

Financial Corporations Poised to Run Global Economy

Congressional legislators agreed to a key compromise last Friday which will allow banks, insurance companies, and stock brokerages to merge or sell each others services. The country’s largest financial corporations have been lobbying for years to overhaul the Depression-era financial services law, but consumer advocates fear further concentration of financial power.

Astrologically, this agreement arrives precisely as transiting Pluto opposes the U.S. Uranus. Transiting Pluto, the planet of transformation, is in the second house of the nation’s wealth, and Uranus is in the eighth house of capitalism and combined assets. Uranus here can represent international corporations since Uranus is not restricted by traditional borders. Wall Street responded exuberantly at the prospect of creating financial supermarkets which will help American corporations dominate the global economy.

In other developments resonating with the Pluto-to-Uranus vibration, the Campaign Finance Reform bill was killed. George W. Bush, with $57 million in campaign contributions, has won the money primaries, as Elizabeth Dole said when she dropped out of the presidential race last week. And then, several news items reported that for the first time in history one half of American families are now invested in the stock market.

Many astrologers have cited the current Saturn-Uranus square as being a potentially severe bearish indicator. The separation of banking and brokerage houses was initially implemented to overcome the accumulation of financial wealth in a few corporate hands, which contributed to the Crash of 1929. Although the ongoing technology revolution will likely lead the global economy safely for several years yet, we are now re-entering a dangerous phase where over-concentration of wealth is a geopolitical reality.

Jonathan Winters Awarded Mark Twain Prize

Last Wednesday veteran comedian Jonathan Winters was awarded the Mark Twain Prize for “those who create humor from their uniquely American experiences.” Winters’ whacky style and impersonations have inspired a generation of celebrity humorists, including Bill Cosby, Robin Williams, and Steve Allen, all of whom gave their tribute to him at the posh Kennedy Center in Washington DC.

Jonathan Winters was born an insightful Scorpio, a sign that tends to see reality on multiple levels (on November 11, 1925; 8:23 pm; Dayton, OH). Winters’ Sun is conjunct the most sober, humorless of planets, Saturn, perhaps demonstrating that clowns often have a dark side which is overcome by silliness.

Winters’ Sun is part of a Grand Trine, including links to eccentric, unpredictable Uranus, perceptive Pluto, and his Cancer Ascendant. The Sun’s sextile to the entertainment planet Jupiter and a square to imaginative Neptune completes a string of ego-enhancing placements.

Winters has a very difficult Grand Cross in his chart as well, featuring two asteroids (Juno and Pallas) squaring his Moon-Uranus opposition. This combination tends to create havoc in the home life and with partners, although Winters has been married to the same woman for 51 years.

The seventh house of partners is ruled by stable Saturn, and being conjunct his Sun helps secure his identity by providing a protective network of family relationships. This highlight in Winters career comes during a most auspicious signpost: his progressed Sun and Jupiter are conjunct, and favorably aspecting his Midheaven.

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