NewsScope for October 19, 1998
by WolfStar

Immigration in the Political Age of Aquarius

The United States, unlike most industrial nations, continues to grow in population. Although the birth rate is barely above replacement levels, the population grows because of high immigration rates, especially along the southern border. As the nation goes to vote in two weeks, two governors’ races are drawing the most attention among political strategists, and both of them are in border states where immigration issues dominate local elections.

Astrologically, the outer planets Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius describe the process of diverse groups learning to get along with each other. In California the governor’s contest has national implications, with Democrat Gray Davis favored at the moment. Should he eventually win, he will preside over redistricting, which when cleverly done favors the election of Democrats to Congress in time for the 2000 election, even if Republicans get more votes.

With Saturn challenging Neptune in Aquarius just before the election, the issue of putting limits (Saturn) on porous borders (Neptune) shapes the political landscape. Republicans have alienated Latino voters in California which is why Gray Davis will likely win. However, in the Texas race Latinos largely approve of Republican George Bush III, who is expected to win in a landslide.

Bush campaigns regularly in Spanish, and will likely win in Laredo where a proposed nuclear waste dump is hotly debated on both sides of the border. Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius will be among the most powerful astrological dynamics during the 2000 Presidential campaign. Across the political landscape, wooing Latino voters will be crucial to capturing the White House, and the younger Bush is the only Republican Light who can move fluently between cultures.

Microsoft Under Siege

In the largest antitrust trial of the decade, software giant Microsoft faces the Justice Department and 20 state attorneys general beginning this week. The government is accusing Microsoft of using unfair practices to maintain its monopoly in the Windows operating system. Key players from America’s largest computer firms, including Apple, AOL, IBM, Intel, Intuit, Sun Microsystems, and Netscape, will be called as witnesses against Microsoft.

The showdown arrives on America’s centerstage precisely as Uranus, the planet which governs technology, is at maximum influence among the planetary powers. Uranus appears in the night sky as being absolutely motionless, a pivot point which astrologers refer to as Stationary Direct.

The celestial location of Uranus at this moment happens to be exactly linked to the U.S. Ascendant (according to the Scorpio Rising horoscope*), an astrological indication revealing that the future of the entire computer industry rests on the outcome of this trial. In 1998 Microsoft earned $15 billion in revenues and employed 27,000 people.

The historical precedents of this trial can be viewed by tracking the cyclical return of Saturn to Taurus, which symbolically describes the titans of industry. John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company was ordered dissolved by the Supreme Court when Saturn was in Taurus (and exactly on the U.S. Descendant) back in 1911. The current case resonates with the Standard Oil case in both the importance of the issues (freedom to innovate vs. predatory capitalism) and the stature of the CEOs (billionaires Gates and Rockefeller).

Whoever wins the current legal jousting, the case will likely be appealed to the Supreme Court. The timing for the Supreme Court consideration should be very close to when Saturn in Taurus once again crosses the U.S. Descendant in May 1999.

Art Bell Quits Suddenly and Unexpectedly

Radio talk show superstar Art bell shocked his 20 million listeners last week when he unexpectedly announced that he’s quitting, effective immediately. Bell’s program routinely interviewed conspiracy buffs, UFO experts, and a wide range of specialists in paranormal activities. Bell mystified his audience by not providing any details of why he was quitting, other than a vague reference of threats to his family.

Art Bell was born a talkative Gemini (June 17, 1945; 12:23 pm EWT; Camp Lejeune, NC), with Jupiter located very near the duty-conscious Virgo Ascendant. A strong placement of Jupiter like this makes for excellence in showmanship, a natural performer. Researcher Michel Gauquelin has demonstrated that Jupiter in this position is statistically significant in the charts of entertainers and politicians.

Another key planet in Bell’s horoscope is Uranus which is located near the career point, the Midheaven. Uranus here describes Bell’s career as being revolutionary, unusual, and gives him a driving need for complete freedom and independence within the work environment. Bell’s broadcasting station is located near Nevada’s Area 51, the secret military research center which reportedly back-engineers UFOs for the Pentagon.

With Uranus operating as his career planet, his career took a radical, unexpected turn (following the erratic nature of Uranus) precisely as this planet is making its station. The current zodiacal longitude of Uranus in Bell’s chart happens to be triggering his deadly Mars-Pluto square, so listeners should know that the threats are real. Also Juno, the asteroid which governs the marriage partner, is under simultaneous activation now, so that Bell’s partner Ramona is likely a strong influence in this decision.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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