NewsScope for October 12, 1998
by WolfStar

Celestial Climate Calls for Hardball Politics

While Congress has been pre-occupied with the impeachment proceedings, the normal business of budget-making drifted last week. Now the unfinished political agenda is threatening to shut down the government, as party leaders naturally blame each other for the obstructions.

Over the coming week Mars and Pluto are creating a tempestuous political climate that promises to shape events across the global village. Mars is in Virgo now, and about to form a dynamic square with Pluto, which becomes exact on October 17. This planetary combination permeates the political environment with ultimatums and the struggle for supremacy. It favors radical ideology, and the promotion of fanatics or extremists to positions of power.

Religious ideologues gain strength under this influence. In Pakistan politicians are about to impose Islamic law on the citizenry. Elsewhere, Pope John Paul II has just elevated converted Catholic Edith Stein to sainthood, a controversial move since Stein was killed in the Nazi gas chambers as a Jew. And in the United States the International Religious Freedom Act was just passed that would require the government to rebuke those countries that persecute individuals for their religious beliefs.

Wherever geopolitical faultlines exist between antagonistic groups, this next week will test those borders. Nowhere is this more obvious and deadly than in Kosovo where the Orthodox Christians (Serbs) interface with Albanian Muslims. NATO will either bomb the Serbs into submission, or Milosevic will agree to an international occupation force. Hardball politics is in the air.

Neptune’s Station and Economic Chaos

Last week as Neptune made its direct station, global markets reeled, as the price of oil, the dollar, and most stock markets fell precipitously. Neptune in the last degree of governmental Capricorn sponsored high-level meetings between the world’s economic planners, but they haven’t yet come up with a solution to managing the global economy.

Saturn in Taurus seeks economic security, often at the expense of others when push comes to shove. Neptune (when it soon returns to Aquarius) seeks nothing less than an economic utopia, or the perfect system where everyone’s economic and social needs are met. The last time Saturn aligned with Neptune in Aquarius was in 1846 when Karl Marx (a Taurus) wrote The Communist Manifesto.

In today’s global village, markets are so linked by instant communications that they all move up and down in tandem. “In an ironic twist of fate,” one analyst said, “the global financial contagion which began with the New York hedge funds' attack on the Thai baht has gone full circle back to a near collapse of the New York markets themselves.”

With interconnected markets, a global solution to economic chaos is needed. Neptune breaks down the national borders through the free flow of capital, while Saturn restricts free trade to protect against contagion. In the not too distant future, for the mutual protection of nations and peoples, some kind of global economic order should soon become manifest by finding the proper balance between Saturn and Neptune.

Ariel Sharon, The Sword of Israel

Last week Netanyahu appointed Ariel Sharon as Foreign Minister, and assigned him the task of negotiating Israel’s final borders with the Palestinians. Sharon moves up from Infrastructure Minister, where he presided over the confrontational settlement drive in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Sharon’s new diplomatic portfolio is considered a setback for peace efforts since the renown hawk has vowed to never shake the hand of Yasser Arafat.

Sharon was born with the fighting sign of Aries on his Ascendant (February 27, 1928; 7:30 am EET; Yehud, Israel*). A powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Aries was rising at the time of his birth, giving him boldness, adventurism, and an openly and sometimes foolishly aggressive nature. His Taurus Moon is in the same location as Israel’s Sun so that his instinctive defense of territory resonates with the security needs of the country.

As a Pisces, Sharon’s Neptune becomes extra important in his horoscope. Neptune in the sixth house of jobs is aligned with Israel’s Mars in late Leo (activated recently by the Solar Eclipse). He naturally fulfilled the role of Israel’s Defense Minister under Menachim Begin, and before that led many heroic war efforts as an inspired General.

However, in June 1982 Sharon initiated an ill-advised invasion into Lebanon, which led to the scandalous massacre of hundreds of Palestinian civilians. Sharon was forced out then (as his progressed Midheaven opposed Neptune), and until recently he has held only second-rank posts. Last week transiting Neptune turned direct on his Mars, and now he is back in the limelight.

* Birth data is from Matrix Celebrity Search database.
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