Past Issues

NewsScope for October 11, 1999
by WolfStar

Playing Politics with Nukes

Last week the dormant Nuclear Test Ban Treaty came up suddenly for ratification, a legislative maneuver sponsored by Republican strategists seeing a chance for its defeat. Of the nuclear powers, only France and Great Britain have ratified the treaty, while China, Russia, Pakistan, India, and Israel await developments in the U.S.

The Atomic Age began with the detonation of the first atomic bomb on July 16, 1945 at Alamagordo, New Mexico (at 5:29:45 am). Major transits and progressions* to that chart reflect important developments in the nuclear industry as well as the potential for nuclear war. The activity in this chart was reflected by recent nuclear accidents in Japan, South Korea, and Hanford, WA.

At the moment, the progressed Venus and Pluto are almost exactly conjunct. Venus, the diplomat, and Pluto, the symbol for political and military power, are coming together rapidly. However, at the same time transiting Pluto is opposing the Atomic Age Venus, showing how the manipulative political tactics could undermine this window of opportunity.

Curiously, the beginning of the Age of Ufology began exactly one Mars cycle after the Atomic Age began. This initiating event was Kenneth Arnold’s “Flying Saucer” sighting on June 24, 1947. Mars in the Atomic Age horoscope was also activated during a period of eight months beginning on October 28, 1975 when military personnel reported a wave of UFOs hovering over U.S. nuclear installations.

Apparently, more than just the world’s nuclear countries are monitoring developments in the Atomic Age.

WorldCom Poised to Build the Big Box

Headlines across magazines, newspapers, and other media trumpeted the latest wave of MergerMania last week, as the rapidly evolving telecommunications industry restructures itself before our eyes. Leading the mergers following a frenzied, competitive bidding war was MCI-WorldCom’s $129 billion deal to acquire Sprint, by far the largest corporate buyout in history.

Astrologically, the mergers of high-tech companies can be seen in Pluto’s opposition to the U.S. Uranus, situated in the eighth house of capitalism. Uranus, the natural ruler of high-tech corporations, is in the eighth house only if Scorpio is on the Ascendant. Astrologers who use other Rising Signs for the USA horoscope were not predicting corporate mergers. Regular NewsScope readers knew ahead of time that these huge deals were about to happen.

In other corporate developments, the FCC approved the merger of SBC and Ameritech which would create the largest regional telephone company. Then, a relaxed ruling by the FCC clears the way for ATT to purchase MediaOne. These companies are fighting for competitive advantage over the expected new technology, known at the moment as the Big Box. This not too distant future device will combine the television, telephone, and internet into one Big Box.

MCI-WorldCom had to pay such a tremendous price for Sprint because one of its chief rivals, BellSouth of Atlanta also wanted Sprint. The intense bidding war concluded just as transiting Mars, the planet of aggressive, competitive action was exactly opposite the U.S. Mars, also located in the eighth house.

Elvis Lives!

Over the weekend Elvis Presley Enterprises put up for auction 2,000 items from the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll’s warehouse. Auction participants could bid for the Presley paraphernalia in person at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas, or by phone, fax, or through the internet. The many items included cars, photos, telegrams, posters, capes, tickets, musical instruments, a report card, and even the keys to Graceland.

Elvis Presley was born with his Sun in earthy, practical Capricorn (on January 8, 1935; 4:35 am; Tupelo, MS). His Sun is trine musical Neptune near the career point (the Midheaven) and sextile religious Jupiter in Scorpio. Presley’s Sun also squares Mars and opposes Pluto, giving him a willingness to buck the status quo, and fight for his fame.

Presley’s Sun, North Node, Mercury, Venus, and Juno are all located in the second house of material possessions. Presley, we know now, was a packrat. After he died in 1977, his eighth house assumed mysterious life. The eighth house is sometimes known as the House of Death, and with a resurgent or phoenix-like Ceres-Pluto conjunction in that house opposing his planets in the second house, Presley’s ghost was frequently reported by hallucinating (or clairvoyant) fans.

In its most practical sense, the eighth house is the estate’s warehouse, which holds thousands of boxes of stuff going back to his childhood. Over the weekend during this fabulous sale transiting Uranus trined Elvis’s tenth house Mars, enhancing his reputation and honor. Also, his progressed Moon recently entered the eighth house, and is now exactly opposite his Sun, showing that at least astrologically, Elvis lives.

* For the best books on transits and progressions, visit
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