NewsScope for October 5, 1998
by WolfStar

NATO On the Move

The atrocity threshold was crossed last week following publication of gruesome photographs and headline news of massacres in Kosovo carried out by Slobodan Milosevic’s Serbian police. The Pentagon mobilized its NATO allies, notified the Security Council, and prepared Americans for Air Strikes against Serbian forces in the troubled region.

Astrologically, service-oriented Virgo resonates strongly with soldiering, and NATO, the umbrella military organization maintaining order in Europe was created just after the Sun entered Virgo in 1949 (August 24, 1949; 11:42 am; Washington D.C.). NATO’s Sun, Moon, Saturn, and Mercury are all in the disciplined sign of Virgo. The celestial climate over the next few weeks is decidedly militaristic, especially after October 7 when the war planet Mars enters Virgo.

Milosevic has been given an ultimatum to remove his police forces from Kosovo and begin serious negotiations to resolve the dispute. Milosevic himself is a Virgo (August 29, 1941), and this month Pluto, the planet which threatens ultimate force, is squaring his Sun. For the moment the troops have been called back to the barracks, as the Serbs have reacted quickly to defuse global outrage.

The critical dates to watch in this crisis are October 15-17. The Moon enters Virgo on the 15th, at the same time that Mars in Virgo will be on Milosevic’s Sun (and squaring Pluto). The critical turning point for NATO is also in this time frame as Uranus turns direct (exactly conjunct NATO’s nadir) on October 17. With aggressive Mars on his Sun, Milosevic may be expected to take some bold, defiant action during this extremely dangerous astrological window.

Document Dump in Washington

Independent Prosecutor Kenneth Starr delivered his final report to Congress last week. The 4600 pages of Grand Jury testimony detailed the roles played by Linda Tripp, Monica Lewinski, Vernon Jordan, and Betty Currie. Meanwhile, Republican leaders dropped the more controversial riders to appropriation bills in order to avoid election-season budget clashes and focus on the impeachment process.

Over the next two years the U.S. will be coming under the influence of a major progressed aspect which should shape the entire social and political landscape. According to the Scorpio Rising* horoscope for the U.S., the progressed Sun will be conjunct the nation’s Moon in June 2000. This represents a growing group consciousness of who we are as a people and where we are going as a nation.

The U.S. Moon is in multicultural Aquarius, and under this progressed Sun aspect, the traditions and aspirations of White, Middle-class America give way to a broader set of values. African-Americans in particular are leading the way in this cultural renaissance with almost unanimous sympathy for Bill Clinton. Clinton is the first President to include Black Americans among his closest circle of advisers and friends.

With a long and painful history of violated privacy, Black Americans recognize that the invasion of privacy engineered by Linda Tripp and Kenneth Starr is a more egregious violation of civil rights than the perjury which Clinton used to defend himself. The difference between Starr’s puritanical values and the right to privacy is being clearly enunciated by mainstream America now (as Uranus in Aquarius is making a direct hit to the U.S. Ascendant). Americans of all stripes and colors shout to Washington politicians, “Enough!”

Gene Autry Rides Off into the Sunset

Hollywood’s original singing cowboy, Gene Autry, died last Friday in his home following a long illness. In 91 movies Autry played the same true-blue son of the Old West character who always fought fair and square, and loved his horse. Autry hung up his acting spurs in 1956, and went on to become one of the country’s wealthiest private citizens.

Autry was born an image-conscious Libra, with his Moon in sentimental Cancer (September 29, 1907). Neptune, the planet associated with romantic images, was closely aspecting his personal planets (Sun, Mercury, and Venus) giving him a natural penchant for music as an art form and means of communication. In Autry’s case, his Neptune was aligned with the U.S. Sun so that the movies and songs he created helped shape America’s concept of the Old West.

Autry was blessed by what some astrologers refer to as the ‘Millionaire’s aspect,” which is the Sun square Uranus. Bill Gates, Andrew Carnegie, and many other extremely wealthy individuals have this particular planetary combination.

It provides independence of thought and action, as well as the insight of how to profitably insert the Self into a much larger system for mutual advantage. Autry owned the California Angles baseball team, and a network of radio and television stations, including KTLA which he sold in 1982 for $245 million.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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