Past Issues

NewsScope for October 4, 1999
by WolfStar

Neptune Confuses Rocket Scientists

Last Thursday Japanese lab technicians mistakenly added 16 kilograms of Uranium into a mixture instead of 2.4, triggering the worst nuclear accident since Chernobyl. Only two days earlier NASA scientists admitted that the $125 million Mars orbiter was lost because Lockheed Martin engineers were measuring distances in miles while the navigation team at JPL was using kilometers.

Such basic calculation errors can be attributed astrologically to Neptune, often described as conferring “Space Cadet” status onto people and situations. Neptune is nearing its stationary point, and then begins to move forward on October 13. Over the next two weeks Neptune* reaches maximum power to disrupt complex maneuvers and strategies through its sheer nebulousness.

Neptune in systematic Aquarius tends to lose track of important details, especially when aggravated by grandiose Jupiter. Now and over the next two weeks Jupiter and Neptune are squaring each other, giving rise to over-confidence in many areas, but especially in imaginative scientific enterprises (Neptune in Aquarius).

Jupiter and Neptune are slow moving outer planets, and their combination produces the pervasive astrological climate. Fast-moving Mercury enters this dynamic configuration on Tuesday when it enters Scorpio, heralding events to come.

Mercury’s added influence coincides with the dedication ceremony at Brookhaven, NY where scientists are gearing up to create a “small Big Bang.” A $600 million super collider will house a laboratory explosion designed to reach temperatures of one trillion degrees, or more than 10,000 times hotter than the Sun. Let’s hope they have their units figured correctly.

Technology Revolution Roars On

Last week the internet company Foundry Networks (Nasdaq symbol: VNTK) offered investors a piece of its company for $25/share, but by the end of the day the price was bid up to $156. This phenomenal 525% increase was the second largest gain for a new stock in U.S. history, coming in behind last year’s 606% gain for the

Several astrological cycles are converging now to produce this extraordinary technological revolution. Uranus in Aquarius happens every 84 years, and this has traditionally accompanied the introduction of popular technologies. Then, particular to the U.S. horoscope, transiting Pluto is closely linked up to Uranus (in communications-oriented Gemini), furthering the revolutionary aspect of this new information age. The U.S. has had a feverish economy ever since Pluto entered Sagittarius.

Just these two indicators alone suffice to describe the global impact of America’s economic growth centered on the telecommunications technology. But there’s more. Progressing the U.S. chart, the progressed Sun is nearing a conjunction with the fourth house Moon, which is also conjunct Pallas Athena. Pallas is associated with computers, and the Moon represents the nation’s people.

For the first time in U.S. history, the nation’s goals and leadership (shown by the progressed Sun) is aligning with the popular acceptance of computer technology (Moon-Pallas). This conjunction is in effect now, and will continue over the next two or three years. The boom in technology stocks is not a fad, it’s the leading edge into the next millennium.

Warren Beatty Considers Politics

Warren Beatty’s political maverick role in “Bulworth” may have inspired him to seriously consider running for President. Although the transition from actor to politician was given a bad rap last week by the appearance of the Reagan ficto-biography “Dutch,” gossip columnists followed Beatty closely last week trying to see his tea leaves.

Warren Beatty was born an independent, feisty Aries (on March 30, 1937; 5:30 pm; Richmond, VA) with his Mars in free-spirited, roaming Sagittarius. This excitable combination gives him plenty of dramatic energy, enthusiasm, and adventurism, a dominant trait that comes through clearly in his movies.

With charming Juno in Libra near his Ascendant, Beatty became famous for his womanizing. Normally this placement would lead to a committed relationship early in life, although with so much fire, and cautious Saturn opposing his Juno, Beatty felt more comfortable as a bachelor. Only Annette Bening (b. May 29, 1959) managed to reel him in. Her Pallas-Juno conjunction exactly opposite his Sun sees him clearly.

Beatty’s horoscope has strong connections to the U.S. Pluto, which governs party politics. His Jupiter-Pallas conjunction brings wealth, strategy, and celebrity to the Democratic Party, and his Scorpio Moon brings depth and sincerity.

Currently, his progressed Venus and Ceres are favorably linked to his career point, the Midheaven, giving him popular appeal and the public demeanor of a caring parent. Then, his progressed Mars (in retrograde motion) is nearly conjunct his Scorpio Moon, bringing the intense fire in the belly needed to run, but not the vision or strategy to carry it through. We should be seeing much of Beatty over the coming months, but not as a legitimate contender.

* Read about Liz Greene’s comprehensive book on Neptune, and other excellent books on individual planets at http://www.homestead. com/neptunecafe/planets.html
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