Past Issues

NewsScope for September 27, 1999
by WolfStar

Pluto Creates Giant Corporations

Last week internet service providers Mindspring and Earthlink announced they were merging, and promised to challenge AmericaOnline over the coming years. Also last week rumors abounded that MCI-Worldcom and Sprint were considering a merger. If these two come together they will form the Number 2 long distance company behind ATT and effectively create a national duopoly.

Astrologically, the U.S. is entering the third wave of consolidation in the telecommunications industry. The first wave began two years ago when transiting Pluto first opposed the U.S. Uranus, which resides in the eighth house of corporations.* Since Uranus is naturally associated with high-tech industries, whenever it gets activated by an outer planet such as Pluto, major corporate developments can be expected.

Pluto’s aspects to the U.S. Uranus have historically brought the establishment of powerful high-tech industries. The conjunction of Pluto with the U.S. Uranus in 1890-1891 corresponded to the foundation of the twentieth century’s most enduring technologies, including the telephone, automobile, and the electrification of urban America by the Edison Light Company. Pluto’s opening square in 1960-1962 brought us the aerospace industry, nuclear energy, and IBM’s first mainframe computers.

In related developments, CBS and Viacom plan on merging, as do GM and Toyota (to develop alternative fuel vehicles), and electric utility companies Peco Energy and Unicom Corporation. In the next month as transiting Pluto gets closer to its exact opposition to the U.S. Uranus, watch the nation’s most powerful corporations compete for access to new technologies, market share, and financial assets.

Chiron Enters Sagittarius

Chiron, most popularly known by astrologers as the “Wounded Healer,” entered moralistic, cosmopolitan Sagittarius last week. Corresponding with Chiron’s passage were a number of prominent news events with a subtext crying for fair play and justice. One leading story described U.N. officials and international legal eagles exploring the possibility of indicting East Timorese militants for crimes against humanity.

Chiron in the U.S. horoscope resides in the 6th house of health. As Chiron entered Sagittarius, a new phase of health-related stories topped the news. The Center for Media and Public Affairs issued a public health warning pointing to the increase of violence in television and other media, and is now even more available to teens than before the Columbine shooting. Then, the Justice Department is suing the tobacco industry for fraudulently concealing the health risks of smoking since the early 1950s.

By the end of 1999 Chiron advances far enough to form a conjunction with Pluto. This combination is the primary astrological indicator for when we collectively cross the Y2K threshold. Pluto intensifies Chiron’s pain as well as the demand for justice to compensate for the wrongs.

Because we now have televised images from across the global village, wherever there is collective pain, the world will know about it instantaneously for the simple reason that violence sells. Chiron in Sagittarius, backed up by forceful Pluto, is heading toward an effective international vehicle for creating social justice for the first time in history.

Michael Douglas and the 925 Club

Charming Libra stars Michael Douglas, Christopher Reeve, Barbara Walters, Will Smith, and Heather Lockleer liked each others’ company so much that they formed a club, calling it the 925 Club. Membership is limited exclusively to those celebrities born on 9/25, and was first formed by Douglas and his agent, both born on September 25.

Michael Douglas was born in 1944 with his Sun conjunct cinematic Neptune (at 10:30 am in New Brunswick, NJ). With his Moon in ambitious Capricorn, Douglas was determined to make a name for himself beyond the recognition factor of being Kirk Douglas’ son. But both his Sun and Moon have hard aspects to taskmaster Saturn, so his road to stardom was difficult.

Throughout 1999 Michael Douglas has been globetrotting with Hollywood’s alpha female, Catherine Zeta-Jones, who is the latest member of the 925 Club (b. 1969). Zeta-Jones, with her Libra Sun conjunct Uranus, has electrified audiences with her stunning beauty and thrilling performances in “Zorro” with Antonio Banderas and “Entrapment” with Sean Connery. Her Grand Trine features the love planets Venus and Mars in the sensuous, earthy signs of Capricorn and Virgo, anchored by Saturn in Taurus.

Douglas has been accused of being a sex addict. Scorpio Rising, along with his progressed Sun and Mars in Scorpio give ample astrological evidence for this claim. Over the next few months Douglas’ progressed Sun is forming a inconjunction (150º) with his marriage asteroid, Juno. Now is the time to adjust his past behavior in order to accommodate the most radiant actress in the world.

* According to the Scorpio Rising horoscope. You can read more about the U.S. eighth house and capitalism.

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