NewsScope for September 21, 1998
by WolfStar

Neptune Brings More Sex, Lies and Videotape

One week after Washington politicians promised a bipartisan inquiry of the Starr Report, a bitterly divided Judiciary Committee voted to release President Clinton’s videotaped grand jury testimony. With election season just around the corner, Republicans and Democrats are trying to put their personal stamp on an issue that most Americans wish would just go away.

Astrologically, the sex scandal is doomed to remain front page news right through the November election. Neptune, the planet governing scandal, is in a critical degree zone (the Sun/Midheaven midpoint of the U.S. horoscope*), and will hover in this area until the end of November. This activated zodiacal zone pertains to the Fate or Destiny of America’s leadership, and most specifically to the Presidency.

Astrologer Reinhold Ebertin describes the activation of the Sun/Midheaven by Neptune as “the pursuit of wrong objectives, apathy, indifference, disappointments, and confusion.” This celestial climate is exactly what is happening in Washington now as politicians obsessively pursue this sex scandal, leaving the more practical political agenda behind. Neptune has blurred and even reversed traditional party values, as Republicans fought to introduce sexual explicitness into the public sphere while Democrats tried to keep it out.

Congress will probably vote to proceed with impeachment hearings in early October when Neptune turns direct (on October 10) and Mars triggers the August Solar Eclipse (October 5). The potential from eclipses can lie dormant until released by a transit like this Mars. This same planetary set-up seems likely to ignite global hotspots where American leadership is needed. Unfortunately, with Neptune weakening U.S. geopolitical leadership, Bosnia, Kosovo, Jerusalem, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Russia are left to their own devices.

Bill and Hillary

How do Bill and Hillary manage such an amiable public facade? Many observers say theirs is a marriage of convenience, that Hillary teams up with Bill so that her own political agenda can advance. While Bill remains determined to stay in office, astrologically, his partnership with Hillary is heading into some tumultuous territory.

In the immediate situation, Saturn is testing the strength of their bond. Every seven years Saturn challenges this central, fortifying link between their two horoscopes (his Saturn, her Sun). Seven years ago Saturn was in early Aquarius, and Bill and Hillary were in the first Presidential primary coming to public terms with Gennifer Flowers.

With the White House as the prize, Bill and Hillary made a pact. But now both are under pressure from major separative progressions, due to kick in over the next six to twelve months. Plus transiting Saturn won’t go away soon. Saturn is scheduled to return to this current danger zone in March 1999, by which time a perceivable crack in their marriage should appear.

Hillary’s about to experience what astrologers commonly refer to as the “divorce aspect.” Her progressed Sun will oppose Uranus, exact in nine months. At the same time, Bill’s progressed Ascendant will oppose his Taurus Moon, which is the symbol for his steady, traditional wife.

Bill’s horoscope is further threatened by extremely dangerous and vengeful alignments (progressed Juno and Mars square his Pluto) which give him both the determination to fight, and the powerful enemies who seek his undoing. Juno, the asteroid representing the marriage partner, may be the one who troubles him most.

Monica’s Venus Goes into Seclusion

Did Monica Lewinski lure the President into a secret liaison for her own gratification and professional advancement? Headlines across our Global Village feature various takes on this mutually pleasurable obsession. A majority of British think Clinton should resign, while most French are amused by the gravity given to this trivial affair.

Monica (b. July 23, 1973 at 12:21 pm, San Francisco CA) has her love planet Venus (which is also her chart ruler) in late Leo, the same location as Bill Clinton’s Sun. When considered in isolation, a Sun-Venus connection between two horoscopes is a wonderfully amorous tie. Clinton announced the truth of their inappropriate affair on August 17 just a few days before the Solar Eclipse hit this Sun-Venus link.

At the moment, Monica’s progressed Venus is deep in her twelfth house of self-undoing, and under heavy psychological pressure by squaring the morally judgmental ninth house Saturn. In anyone’s chart, a Venus-Saturn combination tends toward self-pity and loneliness, but factoring in the twelfth house here, depression should be expected.

While Bill Clinton’s horoscope has both recklessness and resilience, Monica’s chart is not so blessed. She is impulsive (Aries Mars opposite Uranus), and potentially self-destructive (Pluto in twelfth, square Saturn). As transiting Mars heads toward her Venus over the next few weeks, those who love her should keep a close eye on her well-being.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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