Past Issues

NewsScope for August 30, 1999
by WolfStar

The Russian Moon and the Kremlin Family

Last Friday a top executive at the Bank of New York was fired for falsifying records and blatant misconduct in a growing probe against a Russian money laundering operation. Law enforcement agents in Russia, Britain, and the United States found links to the Russian Central Bank, Kremlin officials, and Boris Yeltsin’s family for mishandling large sums of money, including $10 billion in IMF loans.

The banking scandal erupted during the week that Saturn and Jupiter turned retrograde in the money sign of Taurus as they made exact links to the Russian horoscope. Meanwhile, Pluto has been hovering over the foundation of Russia’s chart (set for November 8, 1917; 2:12 am; Petrograd) where it promotes the concentration of power, such as the Russian mafia.

Pluto’s long term effect here is the decay and corruption of the political system, leading eventually (hopefully) to a re-birth into a more healthy form. However, the tendency is to slip into tyranny and power plays, a process which should become evident when transiting Mars conjoins Pluto between September 9-14.

In the mean time, watch transiting Mars when it aligns with Chiron over the coming week, exact on Tuesday. These two are forming a square to Russia’s Leo Moon. In the past, activation of Russia’s Moon has led to economic and political chaos. One interpretation for Russia’s twelfth house Moon is the hidden family oligarchy. Yeltsin’s cronyism, master-minded and managed by his daughters, should be coming to light.

Pallas Athena, Goddess of Justice

Janet Reno, the head of the U.S. Justice Department, revealed last week that the FBI did in fact lob pyrotechnics into the Branch Davidian compound, perhaps triggering the fire that took leader David Koresh’s life and 80 of his followers, including 20 children. The Reno report reversed six years of denial from the FBI, and fueled speculation that the Waco tragedy was caused by over-zealous military personnel.

In political astrology the asteroid Pallas Athena is associated with the justice system, and in many forms she was exceptionally active last week. Janet Reno (b. July 21, 1938) has her Sun exactly trine to Pallas, so that she embodies the characteristics of this androgenous goddess. Pallas Athena is concerned with balance, whether that’s sexual or political, and Reno promises a full investigation to restore both her own and the Justice Department’s credibility.

Last week transiting Saturn turned retrograde as it was conjunct the U.S Pallas. Consequently, several important investigations were unfolding simultaneously in several other major stories. The Russian mob had infiltrated New York banks, now being investigated by the FBI. Elsewhere, Kenneth Starr reported $millions of contracts with outside investigators beyond the 79 FBI agents assigned to his office. Also, the FBI unsealed an indictment against a high-ranking Mexican official detailing 25 counts of narcotics and money laundering charges.

The U.S. Pallas Athene by progression is being squared by transiting Pluto. This combination shows the underlying intensity of these events, and the conspiratorial themes associated with Pluto. Over the next two weeks transiting Mars will catch up with Pluto, indicating a growing controversy in all the mentioned investigations. Blame will be placed, and heads will roll...

Media Watch Begins on Rory Gates

Last week Microsoft mogul Bill Gates made the news with his charitable donation of $750 million to develop a global vaccination program for the world’s children. Gates’ interest in children has been awakened by the birth of his son Rory, destined to be one of the most watched celebrities in the country.

Rory was born to Bill and Melinda Gates on May 23, 1999 (at 2:40 pm in Seattle*) under the restless, intellectual sign of Gemini. With both his Ascendant and Moon in modest Virgo, Rory’s shyness should be a dominant characteristic until his more adventurous Mars kicks in, perhaps in his early teen years.

Rory’s Sun is opposite probing Pluto in the third house of media. This configuration resonates with the horoscope of John Kennedy Jr. (Sun in third house square Pluto) who was constantly hounded by the press. With his Sun in the 9th house of foreign countries, and rootless Sagittarius on his fourth house of the home, Rory might feel more comfortable living in a foreign country as a way of avoiding the spotlight.

Rory’s Jupiter, the planet of abundance, is in the eighth house of inheritance, giving him a financial set-up for life with genetic access to the world’s richest entrepreneur’s bank account. Free-spending Mars opposes his Jupiter, urging him toward wild habits. However, Saturn and Pallas Athena are also in his eighth house, conferring difficult lessons, but eventually strategic financial skills and responsibility in managing his money.

* Birth time was provided by Richard Nolle, as reported in Lois Rodden’s DataNews. Reader feedback is welcome.

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