Past Issues

NewsScope for August 23, 1999
by WolfStar

Turkey Quake Triggered by Planetary Geometry

Last week’s devastating earthquake took place only six days after the August 11 Solar Eclipse, and may eventually surpass the damage caused during Turkey’s December 26, 1939 earthquake that took an estimated 33,000 lives. Many astrologers predicted a massive earthquake would happen around the time of the spectacular eclipse, although none pinpointed Turkey as the most likely candidate.

The science of earthquake prediction has a long way to go, but astrologers might have a hand to play in locating the trouble zones. Astrologers traditionally monitor the path of total darkness as the most likely geographical areas affected by an eclipse. However, this effect is usually couched in political, religious, or social terms, as much as geological.

Scientists scoff at planetary influences, saying that the gravitational effect of distant planets is next to zero. However, the electro-magnetic influence of several outer planets in a tight geometric pattern may be substantial, perhaps first sparking a wave of solar flares or increased sunspot activity, which in turn disturbs the Earth’s geomagnetism. The fact that Turkey’s earthquake-prone Anatolia plain lies parallel and a short distance from the Solar Eclipse’s path of total darkness may help explain the most recent event.

Turkey’s calamity pales in comparison to other disastrous earthquakes of the twentieth century. The 8.2 quake of July 28, 1976 in Tangshan, China took some 242,000 souls, and also occurred during a sharp square between Saturn and Uranus, just as last week’s quake. On September 1, 1923 Yokohama, Japan experienced a quake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale. This quake took about 200,000 people, and was under the influence of a close Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto Grand Trine.

Political Power Shifts Suddenly

The August 11 Solar Eclipse is having a noticeable impact on world leaders, as the political tectonic plates shifted suddenly last week. GOP front-runner George W. Bush faced repeated probing questions about drugs. Did he take cocaine, LSD, or what? And by what age could he safely say he was drug-free?

NewsScope readers were appraised of Bush’s difficult past in the May 24 column (“Bush’s twelfth house Sun squares Chiron, indicating that he may have much to hide, which if revealed could seriously wound his chances for winning.”) While most Americans could care less about Bush’s youthful indiscretions, his handling of the situation was widely criticized, leaving the door open for Steve Forbes and Liz Dole to advance.

Meanwhile, in Russia all three of Yeltsin’s dismissed Prime Ministers joined the opposition party last week. Parliamentary elections in December will likely strengthen Yeltsin’s opponents, leading to a possible inquiry into his family’s corruption of the Kremlin bureaucracy. The eruption of war in Chechnya and Dagestan present additional leadership problems for Yeltsin.

In Belgrade, Yugoslavia about 100,000 Serbian demonstrators called for the immediate resignation of Slobodan Milosevic. Milosevic, who still controls the police and other political levers through cronyism, is bunkering down for a long battle. In September when the students return, he will face his most difficult phase.

Archer Davis Shoots for the Olympics

Actress Geena Davis, currently ranked 22nd in the nation in women’s archery, competed last weekend for a spot on the 2000 Olympics team. The “Thelma and Louise” star has surprised archers by her quick rise in a sport that doesn’t usually attract much attention.

Geena Davis was born a free-spirited Aquarius on January 21, 1956 (at 12:06 am in Wareham, MA). Her Sun is favorably aspecting athletic Mars* in the archer’s sign of Sagittarius. Shooting dozens of arrows accurately through 70 meters of space requires a keen eye and a steady hand. Davis has her Mars anchored by a conjunction with Saturn, and further strengthened by close aspects to Venus, Jupiter, Pluto, and Uranus.

Her keen eye is likely attributable to the strong placement of her Pallas Athena, the asteroid governing pattern recognition and perception. The Sun conjunct Pallas gives her the Warrior Princess image, similar to the melodramatic TV show Xena (Xena is a shortened form of Athena). Her Pallas also forms an exact inconjunct (150º) to Pluto, magnifying her space-time awareness.

The prospect of Davis going to the Olympics in 2000 looks good. This may be as an actual competitor, or some kind of honorary spokesperson or media consultant. Her progressed Mars is precisely trine her Moon right now, which is favorable for rising in the competition. Her progressed Venus is about to arrive on her Descendant, making her a star to watch over the coming year.

* To find the meaning of Mars and other interpretive basics, visit
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