NewsScope for August 17, 1998
by WolfStar

Clinton Top Political Advisor Eclipsed

Last week many prominent newspapers led with the strategically leaked story that Clinton was considering a mild confession. Only a handful of the President’s closest advisers knew what he was seriously considering. From all appearances, Clinton had compartmentalized his personal problems, and had adeptly guided Yeltsin through the Russian economic crisis, and solemnly eulogized American victims from the Nairobi bombing.

The celestial tide is turning... Over the weekend the outer planets Saturn and Pluto changed their apparent direction, and a Solar Eclipse is scheduled for this coming Friday (August 21; 8:04 pm EDT). Following these cosmic currents, across our global village financial fortunes (Saturn in Taurus) and religious battle lines (Pluto in Sagittarius) are shifting dramatically.

When considering compatibility between two people, astrologers consider the conjunction to be the strongest tie; it’s the glue that holds the relationship together. The Solar Eclipse in the last few degrees of Leo strikes at Bill Clinton’s Sun, and Hillary’s Pallas Athene (and very near the bright Royal Star, Regulus).

Pallas Athene is the political strategist asteroid. In recent years Hillary has retreated from her personal ambitions and found a popular and influential role as Bill’s top political consultant. Yet, how does the President’s closest confidant, who also happens to be his wife, give advice about political and legal options concerning adultery? Insider reports indicate that Bill and Hillary talk through their lawyers whenever Monica’s name comes up.

Stock Markets Plummet

Last week money managers withdrew $billions from the faltering Russian and Japanese economies, and stock markets across our electronically connected world plunged. The world’s most watched stock market index, the Dow Jones Industrial Averages, continued on its downward trend, reaching nearly ten percent below its high mark set on July 17.

Financial astrologers have a number of planetary patterns to analyze and track the market’s cyclical twists and turns. Some of the best indicators are outer planet stations and eclipses: Jupiter’s retrograde station on July 17 precisely timed the Dow’s top. Jupiter, like all the outer planets, makes two stations every year, but this one was especially significant because of an exact link-up to the U.S. Pluto.

An underlying vibration for the entire year of 1998 is the tense square between Saturn and Neptune, a potentially disastrous link-up for any economy. In the United States, since Pluto has entered the second house,* America’s super-rich (the plutocrats) have thrived, and led their mega-corporations and the rest of the American economy upward. But when the Lunar Eclipse hit the U.S. Midheaven axis on August 7, the Dow fell precipitously.

As described in NewsScope’s July 13 column, Russia’s long term situation looks extremely severe. On August 21 the Solar Eclipse hits Russia’s Moon, the symbol of a nation’s basic security needs. All the outer planets are making difficult challenges now, especially Pluto which is crossing the Russian nadir. Yeltsin is spending $one billion every week trying to keep the Russian currency stabilized, but within two weeks (as the progressed Moon conjoins Saturn) he may be forced to devalue the ruble.

Babe Ruth Returns

Three baseball sluggers are jockeying for the home run record this year, and stimulating renewed interest in what was once America’s favorite past-time. Babe Ruth, the penultimate home-run king and baseball legend, died fifty years ago this past week. Riding the surging wave of baseball’s popularity, his story is now being re-told in popular media across the nation.

Like Boris Yeltsin and Franklin Roosevelt, Ruth was born (February 6, 1895) with the Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Cancer. His Sun is closely connected to the power-hitting Mars in Taurus, and given to sudden and abrupt releases of energy by another close aspect to erratic Uranus. This Sun-Mars-Uranus configuration led the New York Yankees to glory, and Ruth to a lifetime of foul-mouthed, girl-chasing, and beer-guzzling habits.

With his Saturn right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant,* Ruth became the measure of all sluggers, and the archetype for today's swaggering, big-money athletes. And then with Mars in money-making Taurus, Ruth was collecting $80,000 a year in the middle of the Great Depression, more than President Hoover. “Why not?” Ruth said. “I had a better year than he did.”

But Ruth’s Mercury-Venus conjunction in sympathetic Pisces gave him a heart of gold. One of the great legends concerning Ruth was when he promised a sick boy in the hospital that he’d slug a homer if the kid got better. The boy promised, and Ruth obliged by hitting the home run.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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