NewsScope for August 3, 1998
by WolfStar

Cosmic Tsunami Threatens Clinton’s Standing

President Clinton, still riding high in public opinion polls, pledged to tell the truth when he testifies on August 17. The FBI meanwhile is testing a blue cocktail dress for Presidential stains, a key piece of evidence provided by Monica Lewinski’s mother.

Astrologically, the month of August brings momentous shifts in planetary conditions, including two eclipses that strike at the First Family’s horoscopes. At the top of the list is the Solar Eclipse scheduled for August 21 which takes place very near the President’s Leo Sun. Eclipses of this magnitude of precision are known to trigger sudden and spectacular falls from grace.

The Republican-controlled Congress, however, is not anxious to see Clinton resign. The political calculus reasons that Al Gore moving into the White House would strengthen his position for the 2000 campaign. The pressure for Clinton would more likely come from his own family, which once again must deal with his betrayal.

Chelsea (Feb. 27, 1980; 11:24 PM; Little Rock) has her Pisces Sun located at precisely the same place as the U.S. Ceres. Ceres, the asteroid symbolizing the parent-child relationship, finds Chelsea as the perfect agent to represent the stressful parent-child dynamic in our society. As transiting Pluto squares Chelsea’s Sun, it also squares the U.S. Ceres, and parents everywhere are wondering how to explain Bill Clinton’s sexual activities.

Clinton-Starr Duel at High Noon

Bill Clinton’s all-time favorite movie is High Noon. In this Western Gary Cooper plays a brave sheriff who must single-handedly protect a cowardly town against a gang of gunslingers. Clinton’s High Noon is closing in on him, as major planetary conditions reach a climax this month.

Astrologically, high noon is represented by the Midheaven in the horoscope. The most important, fateful events take place when the Midheaven is under major planetary activity. The United States Midheaven, located at 16 degrees Leo*, will be hit by a Lunar Eclipse on August 7 (at 10:10 pm EDT), followed by Mercury turning direct on the Midheaven on August 23.

Historically, many of this country’s most significant turning points happened when this Midheaven was activated. The Sun alone is a final release to other heavier planets, so that August 6-8 is generally a destiny-filled date. Nixon resigned on August 8, 1974 as the Sun passed over the U.S. Midheaven. A Solar Eclipse occurred here on August 6, 1990 when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The first atomic bomb was dropped on a civilian population on August 6, 1945. On August 7, 1965 Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which formally initiated the Vietnam War.

Monica Lewinski will likely begin her testimony before Kenneth Starr’s Grand Jury this coming week. She appears as the Sun crosses the United States Midheaven. Later in the month Mercury will be at a full stop right on the U.S. Midheaven when Clinton’s video testimony is completed, and likely leaked to the public.

Hillary’s Brave Face

Hillary Clinton introduced her husband at a posh dinner last Friday in exclusive East Hampton, New York. The two stayed at mega-director Steven Spielberg’s house, while raising $600,000 from wealthy supporters of the Democratic Party. From all appearances, Hillary is standing by her man.

Hillary Rodham Clinton (October 26, 1947; 8:00 pm; Chicago, IL) has her Sun in early Scorpio, a zodiacal location which has been barraged all year from the cross-currents of Saturn and Neptune. Scorpios excel at presenting an unfathomable facade, and the public can only guess how the underlying pressures are actually affecting her family relationships.

Hillary’s Mars-Pluto conjunction describes her as an indomitable fighter. She is the iron will behind the friendly charm of Bill Clinton. The Lunar Eclipse on August 7 takes place right on her Mars-Pluto, and a week later Pluto turns direct as it squares her Midheaven/Nadir axis. These powerful double Pluto influences indicate she is the fight of her life. Her home and public standing our equally in jeopardy.

Hillary’s progressions describe the longer term developments. Her progressed Sun is nearing an opposition to Uranus, a classic divorce aspect. This one is exact in June 2000, but becomes an over-riding influence within a year. It could mean separation from her position as the First Lady by Bill’s fall, or it could mean divorce itself.

Mercury turns direct on August 23 (very near her Mars-Pluto) as it squares Hillary’s Scorpio Venus. She and Bill and Chelsea will be vacationing at Martha’s Vineyard then. As Mercury turns direct, she will likely let out her true feelings on the situation.

* For a detailed look at the USA Midheaven, including the Presidential Death-in-office cycle, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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