Past Issues

NewsScope for August 2, 1999
by WolfStar

Mars Triggers Solar Eclipse

Astrologers, seers, and other assorted prognosticators have been commenting on the upcoming August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse for centuries, beginning with mystical quatrains of Nostradamus in the 16th century. While Nostradamus’s track record can only be scored around a 12 percent accuracy rate, astrologers have noted the dynamic Grand Cross associated with this event, and have appropriately issued dire warnings.

Slow-moving Saturn and Uranus provide the heavy background conflict, with status quo Saturn seeking to maintain traditional authority, and Uranus instigating radical, revolutionary changes. At the moment the greatest centers of change are occurring in the Balkans, China, and the Middle East.

Over the next week the faster moving planets, the Sun and Mars, enter the picture so that these four planets form the four corners of a square shape, known as the Grand Cross. The Sun and Mars form violent, aggressive aspects to each other and to Uranus on August 7, and then move on to complete the confrontational link to Saturn over the next few days.

The Solar Eclipse provides celestial fuel for dynamic change, and sometimes change is good. Last week President Clinton sent a letter to Syria’s President Hafez Assad urging him to “seize the moment of opportunity” for peace negotiations with Israel. Privately, Assad has called Prime Minister Ehud Barak “strong and honest,” while Barak sees Syria as the cornerstone for the peace process in the Middle East.

Israel’s national horoscope currently reflects positive aspects Mercury, the ruler of treaties and negotiations (progressed Mars sextile Mercury, progressed Ascendant opposite Mercury). However, the dangerous celestial situation shaping up over the coming week hits Israel’s Saturn, so we should be wary of terrorist acts aimed at undermining the peace process.

Solar Eclipse Troubles China

The Solar Eclipse planets create powerful social and political changes. Last week the Chinese government called for the arrest and extradition from the United States of Li Hongzhi, the head of a spiritual growth movement known as Falun Gong (NewsScope readers read it here first, two weeks earlier!). China has also returned unopened a letter from Taiwan’s President Lee Teng-hui explaining his call for independence.

Taiwan’s leader is referred to as President Lee, and the Hongzhi leader is referred to as Master Li. Curiously, both these names resonate with Comet Lee, which (according to Astronomy magazine) will be making its brightest appearance during August at a respectable magnitude of 7.8. Comet Lee was first sighted on April 16 by Australian astronomer Steven Lee.

Only a few days after Comet Lee was discovered, the largest public demonstration in China since the Tiananmen massacre took place when thousands of Falun Gong adherents spontaneously assembled in Beijing to demand official recognition of their group. Last week, Chinese officials launched an aggressive national crackdown.

Tens of thousands of followers were arrested in dozens of cities, and the group’s videos and books were destroyed throughout China. Since the United States has a military protection treaty with Taiwan, and is providing refuge for Li Hongzhi, the tension between the U.S. and China could escalate rapidly and very soon.

Ehud Barak, Israel’s New Prime Minister

The man of the hour in the Middle East is the recently elected Ehud Barak, who has embarked on an ambitious campaign to restore faith in the peace process. Barak is seeking reinstatement of the Wye accord and final status for Jerusalem over the next 15 months.

Ehud Barak was born with his Sun in the systems analysis sign of Aquarius on February 12, 1942 at an Isreali kibbutz known as Mishmar Hasharon. The most interesting configuration in his chart at the moment is his Mars-Saturn conjunction squaring his Mercury-Ceres conjunction which is being activated by the Solar Eclipse.

Barak’s horoscope in relation to Israel’s is characterized by forcefulness and authority. They have mutually antagonistic Mars-Saturn interchanges, indicating that Barak is meant to push and pull and cajole Israel’s stubborn stagnation into an aggressive plan of action, and at the same time that he must put the brakes on those who would aggressively expand housing settlements into the occupied West Bank.

If a 1:30 pm* birth time is accurate, Barak has 20 degrees Gemini Rising. This degree is critical because his progressed Mars is now at 20 degrees Gemini, propelling him from a behind-the-scenes activist (shown by his natal twelfth house Mars) onto the world stage. Since the U.S. has its Mars at 20 degrees Gemini, he clearly represents a realignment with U.S. objectives in the Middle East.

* According to Israeli astrologer Maurice Fernandez, Barak was born at 1:30 pm, but this time is unconfirmed and should be treated as speculative.

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