NewsScope for July 27, 1998
by WolfStar

Ceres Withholds Her Blessings

All across the southern United States a record-breaking heat wave continued into its fourth week. Dallas, Texas was the worst hit with temperatures exceeding 100 degrees for three weeks running. President Clinton declared drought-stricken Texas an agricultural disaster area, and released $100 million in emergency federal aid to buy fans and air-conditioners.

The asteroid Ceres governs agriculture, and in the U.S. horoscope she is given abundance by a favorable connection to the beneficent Jupiter. Texas (which entered the union on December 29, 1845) has Ceres in nearly the identical location as the U.S. Ceres, and is also favorably aspecting Jupiter, as well as the Texas Sun in Capricorn.

However, at the moment transiting Pluto is severely challenging the Texas Ceres. Pluto will be nearly standstill during the entire month of August while it completes an exact square (the 90-degree angle). This indicates major agricultural losses, a tragedy which will eventually affect the country as higher prices in beef, grapefruit and other food commodities.

Ceres also governs abortion. Pluto’s influence on the U.S. Ceres manifested last week in Congress as the House overturned the President’s veto of a ban on late-term abortions. Pluto’s effect is long term, and the Republican-controlled House is using this issue to prepare for November’s campaign when Pluto will be zooming in on its square to the U.S. Ceres.

Middle East Threatened by Mercury Retrograde

On Thursday July 30 (10:27 pm EDT) Mercury turns retrograde in late Leo. One of astrology’s most reliable indicators for snafus, misinformation, and missed opportunities, Mercury retrograde phases often lead otherwise level-headed people into a perpetual state of confusion and doubt. In Leo, arrogance and pride lead to severe miscalculations.

Mercury, ruler of communications and documents, will be stopping and reversing near Clinton’s Sun. We have already seen one major impact of this celestial riptide when last week Presidential Press Secretary Mike McCurry announced he was quitting his post. As Mercury makes its station this coming week, we can expect some major developments concerning Starr’s subpoena of the President.

Curiously, Middle East negotiations often flourish when Mercury goes retrograde. Attitudes and statements that block peace efforts can be adjusted, so that breakthroughs become possible. However, Mercury is turning retrograde right on Israel’s Mars, a prolonged planetary visit that will likely bring short tempers, and possibly military action. Certainly terrorism cannot be ignored under this deadly influence.

A series of important astrological events in August heightens tensions within Prime Minister Netanyahu’s cabinet and with any or all of Israel’s perceived enemies. Transiting Chiron is now squaring Israel’s Pluto, pointing to extremism and ultimatums. Then a Solar Eclipse on Israel’s Mars on August 21, plus Mercury turning direct on Pluto (August 23) when threats are acted out. The U.S. will most certainly be closely involved with developments in the Middle East as Mercury, the eclipse and Chiron all connect strongly to the U.S. horoscope.

Russell Weston Jr. Loses Grip on Reality

Russell Weston, the lone gunman who threw the Capitol into chaos last week, is a case study in displaced anger. Born on December 28, 1956, Weston has several difficult configurations which would have required intense self-scrutiny and external guidance to achieve psychological health.

Weston’s Moon-Pluto dynamic indicates that he was the weak link in a dysfunctional family. While pop-psychologist John Bradshaw claims that 97 percent of Americans belong to dysfunctional families, Moon-Pluto aspects reflect a particularly insidious atmosphere that can smother individual growth for the sake of family unity. The eldest female is usually the reigning force, and she controls through emotional blackmail. Days before the shooting incident, Russell’s grandmother, who lives next door, complained of too many cats, and Russell obligingly shot 16 of them that day.

Weston is thwarted from mental clarity by a Mercury-Neptune square. Mercury governs one’s mental attitude and processing of information. When modulated by Neptune, the planet of fantasy and imagination, one’s internal reality map is superimposed by subconscious assumptions which are often totally erroneous. Weston thought that the CIA was planting landmines around his Montana home, and he suffered from other debilitating delusions.

With Mars strongly placed in bold Aries, Weston attacked the American government after his father booted him out following the cat-shooting incident. Transiting Pluto near his morally self-righteous Saturn in Sagittarius indicates ethical disagreements with authority figures, which he vented away from home. Transiting Mars in the family sign of Cancer was squaring his own Mars, and opposing his Capricorn Sun when he made his fateful trip to Washington D.C.

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