Past Issues

NewsScope for July 26, 1999
by WolfStar

JFK Jr. Memorialized

Last Friday Senator Edward Kennedy eulogized the only son of President Kennedy, saying that he “seemed to belong not only to our family, but to the American family. The whole world knew his name before he did.”

While observers were wondering who would be the next heir to Camelot, some astrologers were wondering what the asteroid Vesta* was doing on JFK Jr.’s Ascendant when he died, perhaps recalling that “whatever is Rising is happening.”

Vesta’s symbolism unfolded in at least three dimensions, from the simplest interpretation to the sacred and mystical. Vesta in her simplest form is sisterhood, derived from the ancient Vestal Virgins who guarded the sacred temples. JFK Jr. went down with two sisters, one of whom was his wife and carried the same name as his own sister, Carolyn.

Another facet of Vesta is her devotional focus. People with a prominent Vesta tend to be workaholics, and at the time John was intensely busy with his George magazine. Vesta Rising shows that John was so focused on work and family, that he ignored the dangerous flying conditions represented by the square from transiting Pluto.

Vesta’s glyph is a representation of the eternal flame, and people everywhere were reminded of the eternal flame that remains lit over President Kennedy’s Arlington burial site to this day. Perhaps too we were also reminded of President Kennedy’s words when he first announced his candidacy, “The torch has been passed to a New Generation.” Many Kennedy watchers were hoping that John Jr. would carry that torch.

China Bans Falun Gong

The Chinese government took a major step backwards last week, retreating into its Marxist ideology to fend off a perceived threat from the popular Falun Gong sect. The all-out offensive warned that it will not tolerate the illegal activities of the Falun Gong adherents, who have staged large protests across the country following the arrest of leading group members.

China’s horoscope features an Aquarius Moon on the Ascendant, a zodiacal location now being activated by transiting Neptune and Jupiter. The Aquarius Moon represents the freedom and democracy urges of the nation’s people, and transiting Neptune and Jupiter together describe a religious or spiritual movement. The Falun Gong’s 70 million followers is trouble for the government because the Communist Party membership is only 60 million.

Last week when the Chinese government began cracking down on both Taiwan and the Falun Gong, the relatively fast transit of Mars was triggering the slower Jupiter and Neptune transits. Tension is accelerating as we enter the most menacing time frame. Mars moves on over the next two weeks, leading up to the most watched astrological event of the year, the August 11 Solar Eclipse.

When Mars enters the geometrically tense situation between Saturn and Uranus over the next two weeks, serious danger is afoot. American strategists indicated last week that if everything goes wrong on the diplomatic front, and China threatens military action in Taiwan, the U.S. could go to war. The week before the Solar Eclipse is when the generals are least inclined to be diplomatic.

Master Li Hongzhi, the Mystical Revolutionary

Many followers of Falun Gong attribute supernatural powers to their enlightened leader, Li Hongzhi . The Chinese government forced Li out of the country last year, and now he resides in New York City where he continues to teach his special blend of Taoism, Buddhism, meditation and martial arts.

Li Hongzhi was born a calm, centered Taurus on May 13, 1951 in Jilin, China (time unknown). The slow-moving, stable energies collect in the grounded sign of Taurus, perhaps enhancing higher consciousness by avoiding distractions. The Buddha was born under the sign of Taurus, as was Krishnamurti, who was once promoted by Helena Blavatsky and the esoteric Theosophists as the World Teacher.

Li’s Mars is also in Taurus, and is strongly enhanced by a conjunction with the Sun, a trine to disciplined Saturn in Virgo, and a confrontational square to Pluto. A spiritual master with a Mars-Pluto square attracts violence and enmity from jealous enemies, which the Chinese leadership is now demonstrating.

The most prominent natal placement is Vesta, the devotional asteroid. Vesta squares the karmic lunar node axis, and is precisely and favorably linked to the outer planets Neptune and Pluto. His Vesta is in the intellectual, teaching sign of Gemini and made great by a conjunction with the first magnitude star Rigel.

Master Li Hongzhi should soon become very famous in the United States. His Taurus Sun is conjunct the U.S. Vesta, a zodiacal address being primed for celebrity by next year’s Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Taurus.

* To learn more about Vesta and the other asteroids, visit
http://www.homestead. com/neptunecafe/goddess.html .

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