NewsScope for July 20, 1998
by WolfStar

Vesta Takes Center Stage

Last week following a flurry of legal maneuvering and historic court rulings, White House Secret Service agents began testifying before Kenneth Starr’s grand jury. The normally discrete and wary Presidential guards were paraded before national media as political pawns in the rapidly intensifying Clinton-Starr duel.

Astrology, the algebra of life, has a specific celestial body to denote the secret organizations devoted to a special or sacred mission: the asteroid Vesta. When Vesta combines with Mars, the warrior or soldier archetype, you get secret military groups, as in the Secret Service. On July 6, Mars and Vesta entered Cancer (the nation’s Sun Sign) simultaneously, and ever since the courts have been moving rapidly forward to approve Secret Service testimony.

Although the American Secret Service has developed incrementally since the early 1800s, the first official status of the White House Police (as they were then called) came when Congress passed legislation on July 1, 1922. This horoscope (set for noon in Washington D.C.) features a powerful conjunction of the Sun, Pluto, and Vesta all in early Cancer.

The constant, total vigilance (Vesta, Pluto) toward the President’s security (Sun in Cancer) are directly ascribed to these three planets. Also featured in this chart is an exact conjunction of Venus and Neptune in Leo, which portrays the post’s glamour and prominence.

Over the next week transiting Mars and Vesta will be heading for this degree zone, promising some intensely fought battles. Though the agents have been told to testify, their “code of silence” will likely keep the lid on whatever they know. Vesta-styled organizations are renown for their unwritten ethical obligations.

Nations Approve War Crimes Tribunal

Ever since the Nuremberg trials 50 years ago, the United Nations has attempted to constitute a world court. Finally, last Friday the treaty was signed which would bring individuals to justice for genocide and crimes against humanity. The treaty was signed against strenuous U.S. objections, which fears loss of control from its position on the U.N. Security Council.

The years of wrangling to achieve this historic agreement finally came to fruition under the influence of Saturn square Neptune. Both these planets are now dynamically linked to the United Nations’ Sun in Scorpio, and reflect the vision and the obstacles to the treaty’s signing. Neptune in Aquarius holds the ideal for international justice; Saturn in Taurus has genuine practical concerns about implementation.

In the United Nations’ chart, Vesta is located in international Sagittarius. Vesta, whose glyph depicts the eternal flame, holds the sacred mission for a world organization ruled by a system of laws. This treaty was signed under the influence of transiting Pluto right on the U.N.’s Vesta. Pluto focuses political influence toward the immutable transformation of the U.N. into an altogether different entity.

The predominantly Christian America is at least partially influenced by fears of Armageddon. The year long influence of the Saturn-Neptune square tests our worst nightmares. One of the central indicators of the “End Times” scenario is the creation of a One World Government. Watch for evangelists preaching Anti-Christ themes, and edging into the Republican wings through this fear-mongering.

Happy Trails to Roy Rogers

The Baby Boomers lost one of its favorite icons recently, as the singing cowboy Roy Rogers passed away at the ripe old age of 86. Known for his good-guy exploits on radio and TV, Rogers never spit, cussed, or drank. His 87 films, with names like “Under Western Stars” and “Song of Arizona,” were always loaded with fights (always fair) and chases, and were especially popular in small towns.

Roy Rogers was born a self-disciplined Scorpio on November 5, 1911 (at 12:15 pm; Cincinnati, OH). His Sun is conjunct the partnership asteroid, Juno, and his life path was graced by wife and co-star Dale Evans. The two co-wrote the sentimental tune “Happy Trails To You,” which was their theme song throughout their shared careers.

Rogers traditional values can be seen in his Taurus Moon, which were fixed and inflexibly moral. Also, a Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in Scorpio is intensely religious and outspoken in the desire to teach and communicate higher values. These characteristics are emphasized by being placed (along with his Sun) in the ninth house of philosophy and religion.

Armed with a guitar, six-shooters, and good looks, Rogers became the top box office draw from 1943 to 1954. His Scorpio warrior image portrayed everything America saw in itself, as he personified the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant*. Rogers was weakened by transiting Uranus squaring his Sun, and he died as transiting Chiron turned direct right on his Sun.

* Nowadays, our Scorpio Ascendant is reflected by Scorpio Bill Gates, the high-tech warrior entrepreneur. For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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