NewsScope for July 6, 1998 by WolfStar

Chiron Brings Rage, Healing, and Saber Rattling

Over the next two weeks, centering on July 11, Chiron energies are reaching maximum wattage. Chiron turns retrograde in the ferocious, intense sign of Scorpio, bringing all his rage, health benefits, and multi-dimensional insights to the fore.

Discovered in 1977, Chiron is most frequently known as the “Wounded Healer,” and is commonly associated with alternative health techniques that first became popular in the late 1970s. These include herbal remedies, chiropractic adjustments, nutrition, acupuncture, and astrology. Chiron’s presence is frequently associated with dis-ease that can be traced to metaphysical imbalances.

In political astrology, Chiron has naturally referred to being “wounded” in an official capacity. Many astrologers have seen President Clinton this way, with attendant predictions of his ultimate departure from office. Clinton’s Chiron, however, is very favorably placed in Libra (conjunct Jupiter). In China, he has once again demonstrated his ability to bring divergent cultures and peoples together in healing political rituals.

When in Aries (as in the U.S. sixth house) or Scorpio (square the Sun in NATO’s chart), Chiron is closely allied with the military. Watch over the coming week for some major saber-rattling incidents, especially in the Serbia-Kosovo conflict. NATO should be expressing threats and/or actual action as Mercury activates Chiron around mid-week. The situation in Kosovo resonates powerfully with the pent up rage symbolized by a Scorpio Chiron.

Lewinski and the Full Moon

When Chiron turns direct in Scorpio on July 11, the nation’s wounding through sex scandals should also reach a significant turning point. Independent Prosecutor Kenneth Starr lost a few rounds in the political fight last week, but this coming week Monica Lewinski returns to the headlines. The big question is, will she accept immunity and tell the world what she and the president did behind closed doors?

The Full Moon will take place this Thursday, July 9 (at 12:01 PM EDT), and happens to be exactly on Lewinski’s Midheaven, her point of honor (or dishonor, as the case may be). All three of the participants in this melodrama have shown tremendous perseverance and tactical stubbornness: Clinton, Lewinski, and Starr all have their Moon in fixed Taurus.

Starr’s Chiron happens to be in the line of celestial fire by this week’s Full Moon. He undoubtedly feels the pressure from critics to come up with something soon. Starr personifies the legal warrior filled with moral outrage (with his progressed Mars and Chiron conjunct in the ninth house).

Lewinski’s horoscope shows she was born with the tendency to attract the gladiator type, such as Starr. She has an exact Mars-Chiron conjunction in her seventh house of adversaries. When Chiron is in fighting Aries or warrior Scorpio, or aligned with the aggressive planets Mars or Pluto, this Wounded Healer vibe can manifest as a powerful enemy.

The Anti-Christ or the Second Coming?

Renown psychic Jeanne Dixon felt that the Anti-Christ was born on February 5, 1962 around sunrise somewhere in the Middle East. After several years thought on this matter, she changed her mind, and said, no, it’s the Second Coming, the Messiah. Later still, she said she wasn’t sure, but it was one or the other.

Dixon was something of an astrologer, and knew that this date featured a rare seven planet alignment in Aquarius. In India, where astrologers counsel the wealthy and political elite, preparations were being made for the End of the World. Astrologers in Europe and the United States were likewise warning anyone who would listen to expect dire consequences.

As we know now, such ominous predictions were soon filed away into the Useless Disinformation Department. Still, as millennial madness reaches feverish pitch and televangelists are once again preaching various doomsday scenarios, one hears repeatedly that the Anti-Christ is with us now and reaching political maturity.

Anyone born on February 4, 5, or 6, 1962* has the seven personal planets in cause-oriented, humanitarian Aquarius. These planets are modified by a spiritual, transcendent urge, symbolized by the square to Neptune in Scorpio. Then, a square to Ceres in Taurus gives an extraordinary sensitivity to plant ecology, and perhaps healing ability through the laying on of hands.

The star-crossed individuals with seven Aquarius planets are now awakening to their higher destiny via the transits of Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius. Next year the Solar Eclipse of August 11, 1999 will be setting off these Aquarius planets, along with the modifying influences of Ceres and Neptune. If Jeanne Dixon was right, then we should see this person coming into the spotlight very soon.

* If you, or someone you know, was born on one of these dates, please email me with the details:

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