NewsScope for June 29, 1998
by WolfStar

Saturn vs. Neptune

President Clinton’s diplomatic mission to Beijing was unexpectedly disrupted last Friday when Chinese officials rounded up a handful of dissidents. The situation reminded the Chinese people, and observers around the global village that the communist government still espoused the same oppressive policy that led to the Tiananmen Square massacre on June 4, 1989 (you read it here first last week!).

The two Leo Presidents openly debated during a press conference, an historical spectacle which riveted the 100 million Chinese people watching on television. Occurring under the celestial atmosphere of Saturn in Taurus exactly squaring (adversely linked) to Neptune in Aquarius, the tenor of the meetings shifted dramatically from Constructive Engagement (Saturn in Taurus) to Human Rights (Neptune in Aquarius).

Saturn in Taurus is primarily concerned about security and stability. President Jiang defended the Tiananmen police action as a way of preserving the security of the nation. Neptune in Aquarius holds ideals (Neptune) about equality, freedom of assembly, and freedom of speech (Aquarius).

Clinton will not be able to continually personify the Human Rights component in this celestial equation due to the economic strength of China. Still, watch Clinton to make an important speech on human rights over this coming week (Mars in vocal Gemini is given enthusiasm and vision by its link to Jupiter in Pisces). Clinton should emerge from this trip as a brilliant foreign policy strategist (Mars, Juno and Jupiter all sharply connected to his Pallas Athene, the political asteroid), and strengthened authority (transiting Saturn square his own Saturn).

The People’s Decade

In the United States, the Supreme Court issued a flurry of historical rulings last week, including standards on sexual harassment in the workplace. Hailed by both women’s and employer’s groups, the ruling was declared by all a Win-Win situation.

With both Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius now, the 1990s has been appropriately called “The People’s Decade.” Recently, Indonesia staged a people’s revolution, peacefully tossing out a corrupt and aged dictator. In Russia, the people have restrained tyrannical forces, and in China too we have seen a growing middle class and popular elections at the village level.

Many of these developments can be attributed to the growing telecommunications industry. Are we in the Age of Aquarius? When the Age of Pisces commenced, fish symbolism could be seen everywhere. The symbol for Aquarius is the doubled zigzag, representing the waters of knowledge. The WorldWideWeb (WWW) looks suspiciously like the Aquarius glyph.

According to one pervasive theory, the WWW may be the beginning stages of the Global Brain. When every individual knows everything by being connected to the Internet, then each human being is like a cell in a brain. Humanity is becoming Gaia’s neural net.

Bruce Willis and Armageddon

Armageddon, the movie, opens July 1 across the nation, and seems likely to be a summer smash hit. Bruce Willis stars in this catastrophe flick where he saves the world from a Texas-sized meteor, the same kind of disaster that destroyed the dinosaurs millions of years ago.

Bruce Willis was born a savior-type Pisces (March 19, 1955 in West Germany). His methodology, as in all his action pictures, involves flamboyant amounts of testosterone pumping through every dramatic scene. Macho behavior is signified by a stressed Mars, which is under constant pressure to produce manly acts of courage and strength. Willis has Mars in calm Taurus, but severely challenged by an opposition to task-resistant Saturn.

One astrological indicator that points to Armageddon’s success is Jupiter, which by transit is making a long station on Willis’s Sun. Jupiter comes to a full stop on July 17, right around the time that box office receipts should be confirming. We will likely also see much of Willis in popular media as he basks in the limelight, glowing with the flush of ham that goes along with major Jupiter transits.

Last week his publicist announced that he and wife Demi Moore are separating after 11 years of marriage. Moore (b. November 11, 1962) has her Mars exactly squaring Willis’s Mars, a combination that most often produces extreme ego conflicts between partners. In fact, these two have both had enormously successful careers, and the challenges shown by their Mars links may have been mutually stimulating for much of their partnership.

A major Jupiter transit, as Willis is currently experiencing, not only brings career success, but also personal freedom from stagnant situations and relationships. Although these two have some very constructive and supportive planetary connections, over the last few months transiting Uranus has activated their Mercury-Mars aspects, indicating impulsive and unforgivable biting comments. And so it ended...

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