NewsScope for June 21, 1999
by WolfStar

Russians and G-7 Reach Agreement

Last week after rounds of intense negotiations an agreement was finally signed on how to integrate Russian troops into the NATO peacekeeping force. Meanwhile, as ethnic Albanian refugees flooded back into their Kosovo homeland, gruesome evidence of mass killings were forwarded to the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague.

Mainstream astrologers have been busily tracking 1999’s outer planet cycles with alarm. Within a few weeks the first of a series of dangerous alignments falls into place: the tense square between Saturn and Uranus will be exact on July 18. Over the past century this combination has regularly coincided with international conflagrations and economic crises.

Saturn and Uranus do not necessarily need to cause calamitous situations. Radical change can be beneficial. The trick in getting these two harmonized is flexibility and compromise. The international community, spearheaded by the G-7 nations (the leading industrial nations), achieved two stunning precedents last week, accommodating Russia on the one hand, and granting $70 billion in debt relief to economically crippled African nations on the other.

At the moment, the celestial stress between Saturn and Uranus is being well-managed within the framework of the global economic superstructure. However, Uranus at its worst inspires terrorism and anarchy. The U.S. in particular is entering a vulnerable phase this coming week as transiting Mars squares the U.S. Pluto from the twelfth house of secret enemies.

Comet Lee Heading for Spaceship Earth

On April 16, 1999 an unusual comet was discovered, unusual in that no one has been able to predict how close it will come to our Earth. Comet Lee, as it has become known, is growing in brightness and shifting its orbital path in violation of the accepted laws of celestial mechanics. NASA officials are mum on the subject, and according to lively internet commentaries , that’s because the military arm of NASA has assumed control of a potentially dangerous threat to Spaceship Earth.

Conspiracy theories aside, Comet Lee is interesting to astrologers because it’s nearest approach to the Earth will be in during that cryptic era described by Nostradamus. The August 11, 1999 Solar Eclipse in Leo is supposed to coincide with a bearded comet and herald a “Reign of Terror.”

A viable, alternative theory about comets indicates that they may emit spectacular electrical discharges to nearby planets or moons, such as our Earth if it gets close enough. This “Plasma Discharge Theory of Comets” would account for Comet Lee’s erratic path and increasing brightness.

Astronomers who also note the planetary alignments are predicting a severe hurricane season or massive earthquakes during Comet Lee’s visit this coming August and September. Followers of the Plasma Discharge Theory say that Comet Lee may be as bright as Comet Hale-Bopp with an observable sunward spike. Keep your eyes on the skies this summer!

Al Gore Jr. and George Bush III

Both Al Gore Jr. and George Bush III declared their candidacy for President last week, a simultaneous event reflecting their similar backgrounds and commanding leads of their respective parties. Pundits have noted that both are sons of famous politicians from southern states, both attended Harvard, both are white males in their early 50s.

Astrologically, the asteroid Pallas Athene* is the cosmic signature creating this eerie parallel universe. Pallas represents the distinctive or unusual father-son or father-daughter relationship. A prominent Pallas in the natal horoscope is either the family black sheep, or the one who has a special and unique relationship with the father. Psychologically, the Pallas individual is always trying to prove his (or her) worth to the father.

Al Gore (b. March 31, 1948; 12:53 pm; Washington DC) has his Aries Sun conjunct Pallas. His father, Al Gore Sr. was the Senator from Tennessee, like his son. George Bush III (July 6, 1946; 7:26 am; New Haven, CT) has Pallas retrograde natally, so his inclination was to question his relationship with his father, wondering how he fits in with the political scene. By progression, Pallas turned direct a few years ago when he returned to the family philosophy and was elected Governor of Texas.

The U.S. horoscope has Pallas in Aquarius, conjunct the U.S. Moon. The U.S. progressed Sun will be making a unique transit over this Moon-Pallas conjunction in 2000 and 2001. Americans are ready for a favorite son, whether that’s the Good Son (Al Gore) or the Prodigal Son (George Bush) remains to be seen.

Both sons have Leo Rising and kicked off their campaigns as transiting Jupiter entered their tenth house of professional ambitions. This same Jupiter was squaring the U.S. Pluto simultaneously, reflecting how both candidates are heavily backed by Big Money.

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