NewsScope for June 15, 1998
by WolfStar

NATO On the Move

Last week’s Full Moon on the U.S. Mars triggered a number of headline events. The U.S. Mars is in the transportation sign of Gemini, and on the day of the Full Moon President Clinton signed into law a massive $203 billion transportation bill. Sharing the transportation spotlight, workers at GM walked out on Thursday, threatening to shutter the largest automaker in the world.

The U.S. Mars also represents American military muscle, now on display in and around Albania. Serbian President Milosevic is attempting to convince the Kosovo Liberation Army that Kosovo is traditional Serbian territory. NATO, under the dynamic influence of British leadership, is attempting to convince Milosevic to back off.

Celestial forces are gathering to make this regional conflict a testing ground for our global village’s power structures. NATO, the United Nations, the Pentagon, Russia, and Kosovo itself all have horoscopes under severe stress right now. Meanwhile, transiting Pluto is squaring Milosevic’s Virgo Sun, so astrologically he is in no mood to give in.

Over the next ten days several important planetary alignments will be shaping up. Mars is now in Gemini about to return to its natal position in the U.S. horoscope.* This event occurs on June 23 (two days after the Summer Solstice) when we can expect the generals to be fully in charge of international events.

Saturn and Neptune Meet Again

The two international scenarios now getting top billing in the news media had their roots in 1989. Slobodan Milosevic annexed Kosovo on March 23, 1989 as the Soviet Empire was crumbling. The other lead story is President Clinton’s visit to China, scheduled for June 24. He will begin his tour in Tianamen Square where mass student protests were brutally repressed on June 6, 1989.

One of the most important planetary rhythms in political astrology is the Saturn-Neptune cycle, which unfolds over a period of about 36 years. Because of retrograde phases, Saturn and Neptune formed three conjunctions in 1989 before Saturn’s faster orbital speed moved it ahead of Neptune. Now these two planets are about to form a 90 degree angle (a square), setting all the events formulated under the 1989 conjunction into a phase of dynamic developmental tension.

Neptune’s vision for social equality meets Saturn’s demand for pragmatism and structure. Neptune’s vision can arrive as a political ideology or a religious revelation. Russia’s communist incarnation was born under the 1917 Saturn-Neptune conjunction, and then experienced a rebirth when Josef Stalin died during the Saturn-Neptune conjunction of 1953. Russia as a communist state died in 1989 during the most recent Saturn-Neptune conjunction.

Saturn and Neptune form their square on June 25, and then twice more over the next ten months. This phase is the beginning of a year-long transition which tests the reforms of 1989, including both Russia’s and China’s conversion to a market economy, and Milosevic’s control over ethnic Albanians in the Kosovo region.

Charlton Heston and the NRA

Charlton Heston was unanimously elected President of the National Rifle Association last week. The NRA hopes that the man who played Moses on the screen may help the organization achieve a more mainstream public image. "Frankly, if the NRA is mainstream, then we live on the `Planet of the Apes,' " said Rep. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), author of the Brady Bill.

Heston was born a Plutonian personality (October 4, 1923; 7:55 AM CST; Evanston, IL), a mixed blessing that offers both charisma and obsession for power. Heston’s Sun-Pluto square is a near perfect overlay of the Sun-Saturn square in the USA horoscope,* emphasizing the archetypal roles he would play both on and off screen.

Like many other successful actors, Heston’s tenth house of career is dominated by Neptune, the planet that is adept at creating striking images. This Neptune is closely square Jupiter in Scorpio, the aspect of the True Believer. Whether as an NRA spokesman or Biblical hero, Heston’s inner faith is a recognizable and marketable commodity.

Heston’s Mars, the action planet associated with guns and violence, is in Virgo where it always remains under disciplined control. His Mars is alined with the U.S. Neptune, further mythologizing his Hollywood image as an action hero. However, Heston’s Mars is square the U.S. Gemini Mars, and thereby represents a severe challenge to American credulity over the ability to control weapons. Heston was elected NRA President as his progressed Mars reached the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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