NewsScope for June 8, 1998
by WolfStar

Confrontations in Kosovo, Jerusalem, and Kashmir are now threatening to undermine global peace by drawing in regional military alliances. The most immediate danger is around Kosovo where President Milosevic’s Serbian forces cracked down on a mainly Albanian ethnic population. The Russians have opposed NATO intervention unless it’s U.N. approved, as neighboring Albania, Macedonia, and even Greece and Turkey are being sucked in through family connections to the Albanians.

This week’s Full Moon (12:18 AM EDT, Wednesday June 10) occurs right on the U.S. Mars, the planet governing American generals. The military commanders are comparing China’s connections to Pakistan to Russia’s historical alliance with India, as well as the rapidly evolving situation in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, political astrologers are closely monitoring the progress of Saturn which is about to enter Taurus, and square Neptune. Saturn’s entrance into Taurus (on Tuesday, June 9) happens only once every 30 years, and corresponds to the U.S. seventh house of open enemies. Vietnam and World War II represent the previous armed conflicts experienced under this major planetary cycle.

Several political horoscopes with Scorpio Rising are immediately impacted by Saturn’s entrance into Taurus. These include the United States*, NATO, and Israel. Each of these global players over the next few months will be engaged in historic diplomatic efforts and/or police actions to overcome the challenges (Saturn) presented by active enemies (seventh house). Neptune’s influence dissolves secure borders through terrorism (Israel), border raids (Kosovo), and secret nuclear trade (Kashmir).

Christianity and the Age of Aquarius

Although the foundation of Christianity can be traced to Paul’s missionary work around the Mediterranean Sea during the height of the Roman Empire, the actual structural security of the Christian religion resulted from the organizational efforts of Constantine, the first Christian Emperor.

The Gospels were written from oral traditions, and by the 4th century the Roman Empire featured dozens of Christian cults, each with their own Gospel. Constantine gathered all the Christian leaders at Nicea, and unified them under four Gospels and a canon of Pauline literature, which became the New Testament. The Nicean Council concluded its organizational efforts on July 20, 325 AD, a date which can be used as a foundation horoscope for Christianity.

This chart features a rare triple conjunction of three outer planets in the alliance-building sign of Aquarius. Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto come together in Aquarius only once every 12,000 years, and on this occasion these planets were squared by an intensely spiritual Neptune in Scorpio. Constantine’s goal was to unify Christianity with a statement of belief, which became the Nicean Creed.

Pluto in this horoscope is located at 26 degrees Aquarius, which is the same location as the U.S. Moon (symbolizing the American people). Neptune in the Christianity horoscope is right on the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant, representing the nation’s identity. Additional parallels indicate that American Christianity is a powerful political force shaping the Age of Aquarius, awakened now by transiting Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius.

Jim Carrey’s Truman

Rubber-faced comic Jim Carrey is receiving critical acclaim for his latest movie “The Truman Show,” currently a national box-office hit. His outrageous characterizations in Ace Ventura, The Mask, Dumb and Dumber, The Cable Guy, and Liar Liar have earned him a respectable $20 million asking price for his films, although until now he has not earned dramatic acclaim.

Carrey was born on January 17, 1962 with his Sun in ambitious Capricorn, and his Moon in flexible, witty Gemini. Comedians Danny Kaye and Victor Borge have this same Sun-Moon blend, and reflect the Gemini wackiness that breaks through the somber, staid Capricorn personality. Carrey’s Sun at 27 degrees Capricorn is aligned with the U.S. Pluto, making him a celestial agent for cultural change, like Kevin Costner, who also has his Sun at the identical degree.

Central to Carrey’s comic talents is his Mercury placement. In Aquarius, Mercury brings an inventive mind, bursting with abstract ideas and spontaneity. Carrey’s Mercurial temperament is expanded and exaggerated by a conjunction with Jupiter. Then his Mercury is modified by imaginative and fantasy-oriented Neptune, which is constantly seeking to balance the rational with the irrational, or the real with the surreal.

“The Truman Show” marks a turning point in Carrey’s career path. At the moment, transiting Neptune is closely aspecting his Saturn, the planetary marker for professional development. Neptune here dissolves his typecast role as a silly performer, allowing this new character to appear. “Truman” is powerful social commentary, and a fitting role for an Aquarian idealist.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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