NewsScope for June 1, 1998
by WolfStar

Chaos vs. One World

Flouting impassioned pleas from U.N. Security Council and world leaders everywhere, Pakistan’s government tested a sixth nuclear bomb last Saturday, escalating an already dangerous arms race. In Russia, Yeltsin’s advisers attempted to control wildly gyrating market forces, as U.S. security forces went on red alert over the safeguarding of Russia’s 10,000 nuclear-armed missiles.

Astrologically, the outer planets Saturn and Neptune are forming an exact square, marking the first worldwide celestial threat in several years. The electromagnetic crossfire between these two planets becomes exact on June 25, but they will remain in a dangerously tight link-up through 1999.

The economic, social, political, and ecological structures of our global village are represented by solid, traditional Saturn. Neptune on the other hand tends to dissolve, subvert, and scandalize, although it holds the prospect for a better future with some unifying vision, either political or spiritual. When Neptune assaults Saturn, the center doesn’t hold; the institutional frameworks that protect become severely stressed.

Hollywood, ruled by Neptune, has capitalized on this underlying, collective fear. Blockbuster catastrophe movies have hit it big, beginning with Titanic, and most recently with Deep Impact, Godzilla, and soon to come, Y2K.

The many dooms-day scenarios energized by the pervasive Saturn-Neptune vibration leaves out global village teetering on the brink of chaos. However, the ray of hope is that through international cooperation and organization, world leaders will be able to resolve the serious problems by encouraging a broader perspective than self interest. Neptune is, afterall, in “One World” Aquarius.

Mt. Popcatepetl and Global Warming

Renown volcanoes in Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Washington, and Mexico may erupt at any moment. Mexico’s Mount Popcatepetl currently seems most destabilized, and is now spewing sulfur at the rate of 8,000 tons/day. A virtual news blackout on Mexico’s volcano is in effect in the United States, but if this volcano blows, a global warming cloud will encircle our ecologically wobbly Spaceship Earth.

Mexico’s current government, like Russia’s, was formed the last time Uranus was in Aquarius. Both Mexico and Russia experienced cataclysmic political upheaval before their simultaneous socialist revolutions restored order in 1917. Now that Uranus is returning to the middle degrees of Aquarius, both Mexico and Russia are once again verging on collapse.

While Russia’s state of affairs has been widely reported, Mexico’s horoscope looks more dangerous. Mexico’s current incarnation is set for January 31, 1917 (4:42 PM in Quetaro), and features a socially ambitious triple conjunction of the Sun, Mars, and Uranus all in Aquarius. Pluto in the twelfth house of secrets (animated now by the progressed Midheaven) shows that Mexico is a narco-state, that is, essentially ruled by the drug czars.

Mexico’s situation is extremely volatile. Transiting Uranus is now passing directly over the Sun, and ethereal Neptune is opposing natal Neptune. UFOs have been videotaped flying around Mt. Popcatepetl, and the Mayan prophecies add yet another surreal aura to Mexico’s very real dilemma. The latest report is that this volcano’s vents have just closed, indicating that pressure is building for an explosion.

Global warming watchdogs report that the 1990s is the warmest decade in over 600 years. Antarctica’s glaciers are melting much faster than first anticipated, and oceanographers are now saying that the sea level is actually rising. The first international conferences on global warming resulted in vague promises, but with these ecological disasters pending, and Uranus and Neptune in Aquarius, can One World policies be far behind?

Hartman and Goldwater

Both Phil Hartman and Barry Goldwater died last week. While the comedian and the conservative politician may seem like very different personalities, their astrological profiles reflect how they shared a dominant psychological trait, and one that resonated in the heavens when they both exited this plane of consciousness.

Hartman was born on September 24, 1948, and Goldwater was born on January 1, 1909. In a man’s chart, Mars is the planet most directly concerned with his virility, drive, and ego-assertion. Both these men had Mars strongly placed in Scorpio, endowing them with stamina and single-minded purpose, but with the tendency toward compulsive obsessions and self-destructive behaviors.

Both Hartman and Goldwater had Mars radically empowered by a close aspect to Pluto, which also has the effect of enlarging self-destructive habits. For Goldwater, his arch-conservative stance of nuking Vietnam risked all-out war with Russia. Hartman’s destructive side was evident in his caustic humor masked by a dead-pan smiley-face, but ultimately manifesting when his wife shot him in a jealous rage.

Last week when these Mars-Pluto gentlemen died, the astrological heavens featured a Mars-Pluto opposition. As they came in, so they departed....

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