NewsScope for April 26, 1999
by WolfStar

Natural Born Killers

The two boys who stormed the Colorado’s Columbine High School last week had fed their psyches on a steady stream of violent media, including Oliver Stone’s Natural Born Killers, the Basketball Diaries which featured a trenchcoat killer played by Leo DiCaprio, and the gory video game Doom.

Astrologically, this thunderbolt to America’s homeland was clearly foreshadowed by a planetary confluence around the powerful angles of the U.S. horoscope. The murderous rampage came only one day after the deadly Mars-Saturn opposition aligned with the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant (discussed here last week). On the day of the shooting (Hitler’s birthday, April 20) the Great Awakener Uranus was also exactly on the U.S. fourth house cusp, the gateway to America’s domestic political climate.

Uranus here also activates the U.S. Leo Midheaven,* which represents America’s destiny and reputation as the global leader in the entertainment industry. Uranus was last in this degree zone 84 years ago when the first full length movie was made. D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation perfectly fits the astrological symbolism of Uranus across the U.S. foundation point.

Technically innovative and masterful, the film portrayed the Ku Klux Klan as heroic patriots and fueled a surge in domestic racism. Uranus is once again entering the U.S. fourth house when Americans must come to terms with who is “us” and the entertainment industry’s role in shaping our collective psyche. In a few months Saturn and Uranus will be squaring each other, pitting responsible control versus freedom of expression.

Ceres, Juno, and Vesta

While the shocking savagery of last week’s event was a clear manifestation of angry masculine planets, the feminine planets and asteroids also played a major part in the action. The U.S Ceres, which governs the parent-child relationship, has been under stress for the last year from transiting Pluto, the planet of death and regeneration. Across America people are wondering what went wrong in the families that created such monstrous children.

Eric Harris (April 9, 1981) was born with his combative Aries Sun square Ceres, indicating a family environment that promoted paramilitary attitudes. Dylan Klebold (September 11, 1981) was born with his service-oriented Virgo Sun conjunct Ceres, which can also be interpreted as a family background devoted to military service, especially since his Mars is in proud and defiant Leo (see Senator John McCain’s horoscope in NewsScope 4/09/99 for an eerie parallel).

The central polarity in Eric Harris’s chart happens to perfectly align with America’s Juno-Chiron axis. Juno in the U.S. twelfth house feels like a social outcast, and by her opposition to an aggressive Aries Chiron (in the sixth house of public health and military service), tends to act out violently and irrationally. This planetary combination points to America’s violence as a national health crisis rooted in social envy and feelings of isolation and abandonment.

Vesta, the asteroid governing secret societies, also played a prominent role in this tragic event. Vesta represents the boys involvement in the Trenchcoat Mafia. By transit Vesta was conjunct Klebold’s Mars, Harris’s North Node, and the U.S. North Node. These numerous Vesta links point to a Trenchcoat Mafia concerted action.

Social Outcasts

Astrologers looking at the horoscopes of Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold will find signatures indicating a dysfunctional home combined with an active fantasy world and explosive rage. Both boys had severely afflicted Moons (emotional and family life): Harris with his Gemini Moon opposite Neptune and squaring Mercury was not living in the real world. Klebold’s Aquarius Moon feels unwanted and wounded by squaring his Uranus-Chiron opposition.

Harris, with his Aries Sun-Mars opposite Pluto, was a clear candidate for expressing vicious hostility against others. The Mars-Pluto combination by itself brings extreme acts of anger, as does Mars in Pluto’s sign Scorpio, or Mars tensely linked to Scorpio planets. Klebold’s Mars in Leo squared Juno in Scorpio, a combination that grows furious under peer group pressure.

Perhaps the most unexpected common element in these two charts is the prominence of Libra and Venus, the so-called Love planet. These boys belong to the generation born with Pluto in Libra, and so naturally are exceptionally intense about their peer relationships. And they both have Saturn in Libra, plus several other planets and asteroids in the sign of social acceptance. But these planets are all under severe stress, and social acceptance was too difficult to find.

Both boys have Venus-Pluto aspects. Kip Kinkel (b. August 30, 1982), who perpetrated High School assault in Oregon, also has a Venus-Pluto link, (plus Venus squaring ruthless Scorpio Mars). All three of these deranged teens became unbalanced by their Venus-Pluto aspects. At the time of last week’s shooting, transiting Venus and Pluto were opposing each other, and Juno, the most socially aware of the asteroids, was also conjunct Pluto.

* For more on the U.S. Midheaven , visit the Political Astrology web pages. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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