NewsScope for April 13, 1998
by WolfStar

Pluto and Big Money

Citicorp and Travelers Group Inc. stunned the financial world last week by proposing the biggest merger ever, a deal which would create the largest company in the world with assets of $700 billion. The proposed merger will likely initiate a cycle of corporate consolidation in the international finance sector, as well as the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act which technically bans the association of banks with investment services.

Astrologically, the stage is set for American plutocrats to step forward. The Citicorp-Travelers partnership comes as Pluto, the planet of political and financial power, has entered the U.S. second house of financial assets (according to the Scorpio Rising horoscope*). Pluto moves very slowly, having just completed an eleven year journey through the U.S. first house.

Pluto’s passage over a critical point marks epochal changes in American culture and history. When Pluto crossed the American Ascendant in 1987, the Soviet Union was imploding, giving the U.S. an identity crisis as the reigning superpower. Also, in October of 1987 the stock market crashed, reflecting Pluto’s association with Big Money.

Pluto’s long-term action can both elevate to superstardom, or devastate to total ruin. When Pluto goes through America’s second house, we can expect extreme fluctuations in the nation’s actual wealth. One of Pluto’s purposes is to redesign, a fact which is self-evident as the U.S. Treasury is in the midst of redesigning the nation’s currency to protect it from counterfeiters.

Several other major financial considerations in the news last week reflected Pluto’s long-term impact in the second house: Congress stepped up the attack on the rogue tobacco industry by proposing a $516 billion settlement over 25 years (to protect the children - see Ceres discussion in last week’s NewsScope). And President Clinton opened discussion on what to do with the $trillion Social Security issue as Baby Boomers reach retirement.

The Troubles in Northern Ireland

In a sweeping accord that reduced many hard-bitten politicians to tears, negotiators cleared the way last Friday for ''a new beginning'' for Northern Ireland after 30 years of bitter rivalries and bloody attacks. Since Mercury is retrograde, we can expect some major delays and obstacles to completing this deal, but still, the emotional momentum toward peaceful resolution has begun.

The tumultuous, violent period known as the “Troubles” began on October 5, 1968 during a civil rights demonstration in Derry. A horoscope drawn up for this date shows astounding parallels to the current negotiation process. Primarily, Saturn has now Returned to 22 degrees Aries, exactly where it was when the Troubles began 30 years ago.

The Troubles chart also shows the hand of the United States diplomatic corps in helping to resolve the conflict. Venus, the planet of diplomacy, is located in Scorpio, right on the U.S. Ascendant. 22 months ago (as the progressed Sun approached Venus) President Clinton dispatched former Senator George Mitchell to chair the negotiations.

The principal horoscope for the United Kingdom (set for the coronation of William the Conqueror at Noon on Christmas Day 1066), shows 22 degrees Aries Rising, yet another confirmation of the significance of this historic accord. The keen observer will note the transiting Pluto square to the UK’s Jupiter, reflecting the natal Jupiter-Pluto opposition, and the religious extremism inherent in these discussions.

Tammy Wynette Bows Out

Tammy Wynette, best known for her signature song “Stand By Your Man,” died last week in her sleep. For two decades Wynette was the Queen of Country Music, with a series of hits ("D-I-V-O-R-C-E," "Till I Get It Right," "They Call It Making Love") that represented women whose lives were falling apart.

Wynette was born a traditional Taurus (on May 5, 1942; 1:20 AM; Red Bay, AL), a Sun Sign which gets terribly upset by instability and change. With her Capricorn Moon in the isolated, vulnerable twelfth house, Wynette’s songs evoked the strangled emotional core of classic country music.

Wynette’s fame, her fulfillment of an American archetype, is best represented by her Juno. The asteroid Juno, known as the Queen of the Goddesses, is opposite her Sun and near her Midheaven, the career point. Juno works best through partnership, but becomes embittered and vengeful when not treated fairly or respectfully.

Although an exact trine between the Sun and Moon generally promotes ease and success, Wynette’s chart is disturbed by a controlling, troublesome Pluto in the seventh house of marriage. A life of agonizing mental dilemmas or problems can also be seen in her Mercury, which must decipher the conflicting demands of nearby Uranus and Saturn.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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