NewsScope for April 12, 1999
by WolfStar

Mars and Saturn Foment International Conflict

This week takes place under the troubling cosmological cloud of a Mars-Saturn vibration. Any hard aspect between Mars and Saturn creates a climate of confrontation, frustration, and battle for control. These two planets will be exactly opposite each other on April 19 at 9:45 pm EDT. The tension becomes unbearably tangible between now and then.

Because Mars is going through a retrograde phase, it actually forms three oppositions to Saturn before speeding ahead. The last Mars-Saturn opposition took place during the height of the Senate Impeachment Trial, and just as Clinton was giving his State of the Union speech. That event proved to be a turning point in Clinton’s political survival.

We can expect that the pending Mars-Saturn opposition will likewise be a turning point in the Kosovo crisis. At the moment, the Pentagon is waiting for public opinion to swing in favor of putting in ground troops before announcing that’s precisely what it’s doing. NATO has officially accepted the Pentagon’s offer of 24 Apache helicopters, the Army’s weapon of choice to give air cover to ground troops. Meanwhile, 2,000 American soldiers have already arrived in Albania.

The Republican hopefuls will also be under pressure to make a much bolder statement on the Kosovo crisis. Senator John McCain last week crossed the Commander-in-Chief threshold by saying that now we’re in, we need to win. Front-runners Governor Bush and Elizabeth Dole, feeling the pressure of Mars-Saturn, will be forced to come out with some statement that invokes a more shrewd military awareness.

The Age of Aquarius and the WWW

Last week high-tech stocks led the Dow to another record high as the U.S. economy continues to flourish in robust health. At the center of this consistent growth is the internet, and all the American companies that support its aggressive expansion into the global community.

Astrologically, all new technologies are governed by Uranus. The telecommunications revolution began a few years ago when Uranus aligned with the U.S. Pluto in the third house of communications. Now transiting Uranus is just entering the U.S. fourth house, and the corporate battle for control over the domestic market is in full swing.

In her book “Astro-Mythology” astrologer Valerie Vaughan demonstrates how the asteroid Pallas Athene is the ruler of computers and computer technology. This becomes important in the U.S. horoscope because Pallas is located in the U.S. fourth house right next to the Aquarius Moon. In Political Astrology the Moon represents the nation’s women, as well as the security-needs of the people as a whole.

The U.S. progressed Sun will be conjunct the Aquarius Moon in June 2000, which points to the rising power of women in socio-political terms. Since the U.S. Moon is near Pallas, we can also see how the American people are now, and will be embracing the computer revolution. Is this the beginning of the Age of Aquarius? This Moon-Pallas is in Aquarius, the sign whose glyph looks remarkably like the letters for the World Wide Web, WWW.

Serbian Nationalism

Of the many horoscopes used to monitor the crisis in Kosovo, perhaps the most relevant is the chart for Serbia. The Treaty of Berlin, signed on July 13, 1878 (2:30 pm LMT) by the European powers, gave Serbia its first taste of internationally recognized independence. The chart is relocated to Serbia’s capital Belgrade and set for 2:58 pm LMT.

Uranus, the planet of freedom and independence, is located in royal Leo near the Midheaven, and happens to be precisely aligned with Slobodan Milosevic’s Sun. This connection shows how Milosevic is the embodiment of Serbian nationalism. Uranus squares Pluto in the seventh house, reflecting how Serbian independence was a strategic play by the European nations to maintain the balance of power.

The Warrior planet Mars is in proud Leo and conjunct the karmic South Node. Mars also squares Chiron, the planet describing where we are wounded and most likely to over-compensate. This configuration, recently activated by transiting Uranus, shows how Serbian nationalism is an outgrowth of Wounded Pride which asserts itself boldly and defiantly whenever this natal Mars-Chiron is activated.

The massive refugee problem can be seen in the natal placement of Ceres, which represents humanitarian aid, or when under stress, humanitarian crisis. Last week’s Saturn-Neptune square perfectly aligned with Serbia’s Ceres. Then later this week the Mars-Saturn opposition connects with Serbia’s Ceres, indicating that the International Community will have its hands full with the refugee situation.

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