NewsScope for April 5, 1999
by WolfStar

The New World Order, Phase Two

NATO bombed central Belgrade last week, targeting the headquarters of security forces accused of the ethnic cleansing campaign. Meanwhile, some 600,000 Albanians are fleeing Kosovo, and Americans are awakening to the likelihood of a prolonged military conflict in Yugoslavia which would include the use of U.S. ground troops.

The astrological signature for these events is the Saturn-Neptune cycle, which began with the collapse of the Soviet Union during the initiating conjunction in 1989. The Saturn-Neptune cycle in Russian affairs dates back many decades, if not centuries. The Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1953 was attended by the death of Stalin, and the Bolshevik Revolution took place during the previous Saturn-Neptune conjunction in 1917.

With the 1989 end of the Cold War, George Bush was free to initiate what he called the New World Order to push Saddam Hussein’s troops out of Kuwait. Simultaneously, Slobodan Milosevic was free to begin working on a Greater Serbia, which started with the elimination of Kosovo’s autonomy in 1990 under the influence of the Saturn-Neptune conjunction.

Each quarter cycle of Saturn in aspect to Neptune corresponds to a geopolitical quantum leap, as events accelerate under a psychological climate known by astrologers as Developmental Tension. This week Saturn and Neptune are forming their exact square, as Phase Two of the New World Order has begun.

The New World Order can be characterized by the military alliances which protect a global socio-economic system. The U.S. currency has long broadcast this message with the words Novus Ordo Seclorum (Latin for New World Order) printed on the back of every one dollar bill.

Uranus, The Cosmic Awakener

The Saturn-Neptune cycle operates within a network of other astrological cycles which political astrologers can use to fine-tune their interpretations of our times. The current Saturn-Neptune square is the third of a series extending over the past year, but what makes this final square the most eventful is the simultaneous entrance of Uranus into the U.S. fourth house.*

Uranus, known as the Great Awakener, hit Americans suddenly and in typical crisis mode. Pundits criticize Clinton and the Pentagon for not giving Americans enough warning and for going into this venture without a clear exit strategy. The fact remains that Milosevic was able to efficiently force the flood of refugees because his ethnic cleansing plan had already been in place, and was carried out by well-coordinated Serbian forces.

Nothing awakens Americans quicker than the awareness of Evil in the real world. While Uranus will be crossing the threshold of the U.S. fourth house this week, it will turn retrograde in May and retrace its path. The retrograde location is still within effective range of the fourth house cusp (less than one degree) over the next few months, so we can expect this state of crisis to continue.

In Political Astrology the fourth house represents domestic affairs. Just as in personal horoscopes, when transiting Uranus enters the fourth house, the occupants tend to be rudely snapped out of their domestic tranquillity. The cosmic objective of Uranus the Awakener is to make Americans more aware of the global community beyond their happy isolationism, whatever it takes.

John McCain, A Rising Star

The problem with the current leading Republican candidates for the 2000 Presidential election is that they have no military experience. As the trouble in the Balkans is likely to continue through the Summer, Republican voters will be looking for a more experienced candidate in these matters. Senator John McCain of Arizona is the only contender with a respected military record.

John McCain was born a service-oriented Virgo on August 29, 1936 with his Moon in ambitious, serious Capricorn. With his Mars in strong and proud Leo squaring an excitable Uranus, McCain’s attraction to military service became an obvious outlet for this energy. Men born with a Mars-Uranus square are natural risk-takers, especially when elements of bravery and danger are required.

McCain’s horoscope features a Saturn-Neptune opposition, and the most important events in his life occurred during critical activation of this axis. During his Saturn Return McCain was captured by the North Vietnamese and then spent the next six years as a prisoner of war.

McCain’s Venus is also aligned with this Saturn-Neptune polarity, and he married on May 17, 1980 when transiting Saturn was conjunct his Neptune, and exactly opposing his natal Saturn. Also progressed Venus was exactly sextile his Neptune.

McCain’s Uranus is located right on the U.S. 7th house of Open Enemies. As transiting Saturn approaches this dynamic zodiacal location over the next month, the Senator from Arizona should rise rapidly in the public opinion polls.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the new Political Astrology home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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