NewsScope for March 22, 1999
by WolfStar

Mars Triggers Disaster Season

Last Monday a deadly train-truck accident killed 11 people and wounded dozens near Bourbonnais, Illinois. An eyewitness reported that a truck loaded with steel entered the railroad crossing despite flashing warning lights just before it was struck by the oncoming Amtrak passenger train. The truck driver has a long history of speeding tickets and has been involved in 11 previous accidents.

A confluence of celestial events created a disastrous week across the global village last week, with Mars as the leading indicator. Every two years Mars reverses its course and begins moving retrograde. It’s stationary point is its most potent, and this time Mars is extra ruthless and relentless by being in the warrior sign of Scorpio. Mars was rising at 9:47 pm when the train wreck occurred.

A terrorist bomb in southern Russia marketplace killed at least 62 people, and in the state of Bihar, India a caste massacre left 36 villagers beheaded. Meanwhile, peace monitors left Kosovo in preparation for imminent NATO air strikes against Serbian forces massing on the border.

At the same time that violent Mars turned retrograde, life-giving Ceres was opposed by life-taking Pluto. Pluto is now aligned with the first magnitude star Antares (known for its paramilitary exploits), creating some kind of cosmic magnetic beam focused from the outer galaxy (Antares), through the outer edge of our solar system (Pluto), through the asteroid belt (Ceres), and manifesting on spaceship earth.

Planetary Cycles and Market Momentum

Last week the Dow danced back and forth across the magical 10,000 threshold, continuing to grow at the unprecedented rate of 20 percent annually. Federal tax revenues from prosperous investors is giving Congress the exceptional task of managing a budget surplus, while virtually the entire global economy rests on the continued growth of the U.S. stock market.

Two years ago, Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan warned of Irrational Exuberance in the market, an exquisite term for Neptunian bliss. However, not until realistic Saturn squared Neptune last June did the market make a major correction from its high at 9300. Over the next few months the market plunged to 7400, a drastic over-reaction. Then within a month of when Saturn made its second square to Neptune, the panic subsided and the market was off and running again.

On April 6 Saturn and Neptune make their third of three squares, promising a third reality check in the market. If the market ventures too high, toward a state of Irrational Exuberance, within a month of this link-up we can expect a significant correction.

While the Saturn-Neptune cycle is a key analytical tool in financial astrology, the Saturn-Uranus cycle is even more telling. The first of three Saturn-Uranus squares takes place in July 1999 while the third and final Saturn-Uranus square happens in May 2000.

According to financial astrologer Raymond Merriman, sometime within this interval (July 1999-May 2000) the market has a 100 percent chance of hitting a four-year low (meaning below 6500). Heightened concern over the Y2K bug could be the driving force for such a market panic, and in this regard its worth noting that the second Saturn-Uranus square takes place in November 1999.

Calista Flockhart’s Struggle

Calista Flockhart, the short-skirted actress who plays the man-hungry lawyer in TV’s Ally McBeal, has been showing off her new muscles lately. Last year she appeared so thin at the Oscars that many fans wondered if she was anorexic.

Calista Flockhart was born a sexy Scorpio on November 11, 1964; 9:06 am; Freeport, IL), with her Moon in egalitarian Aquarius. This Sun-Moon blend carries a built-in conflict between the emotional need for absolute control over self and others (Scorpio), with the humanitarian urges of the intellectual Aquarian Moon. Scorpio is passionate, driven, and mysterious, while Aquarius is cool, rational, inventive, and mentally abstract.

Ms. Flockhart as Ally McBeal can often be seen dramatizing her active imagination. The Sun-Neptune conjunction portrays this tendency, as does mental Mercury in the secretive twelfth house. Astrologer Donna Cunningham would call Flockhart an Outer-Planet Person (OPP) because her Sun is directly linked to all the outer planets. In this astrological signature the individual is compelled to play a mythic role in life, something that conveys the lessons and gifts of an entire generation.

With the marriage asteroid Juno on her Ascendant, and in a tense configuration with Uranus, Pluto, and Chiron, Flockhart’s entire image and presentation centers on her weekly, epic struggles with relationships. The love goddess Venus is beautiful in Libra, and situated in her tenth house of career. But this Venus is squaring Ceres (the asteroid governing food and eating habits) in restrictive Capricorn. Beauty and food mix uncomfortably in this horoscope.

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