NewsScope for March 15, 1999
by WolfStar

Mars Asserts U.S. Influence

Over the next week Mars comes to a full stop in the night sky, a bi-annual event known by astrologers as its retrograde station. The phenomenon is only an apparent halt caused by optical celestial mechanics, but because Mars remains in one place for so long, it’s influence dominates the political landscape.

Militant Mars is in relentless Scorpio, the Rising Sign of the U.S. horoscope.* The Rising Sign represents the nation’s projected identity into the international arena, and at the moment, this is inordinately confident, forceful and assertive, following the nature of Mars. American troops are currently heading for Kosovo, in Iraq, in Bosnia, and assisting with relief efforts in Central America.

Last week, and likely throughout this coming week the U.S. military will be in many news stories. Already we have seen Clinton’s major address in Guatemala where he apologized for the Pentagon’s assistance in massacring thousands of Mayans during their civil war in the 1960s and 1970s. Another armed forces story focused on the obligatory vaccination of the 2.4 million soldiers against anthrax, while yet another warned that the draft might be reinstated since the ranks weren’t being sufficiently filled by volunteers.

Meanwhile, American robustness was projected as the only nation with a healthy, growing economy. The Dow Jones Industrial Averages entered nose-bleed territory last week, nearly reaching the ethereal 10,000 mark. Watch around March 17 or 18 when transiting Uranus opposes the NYSE Uranus for this magic number to be surpassed.

China-U.S. Relations at Crossroads

Last week the FBI released results of an investigation into how a Chinese spy at the Los Alamos National Laboratory sold the secret to miniaturizing nuclear bombs. Critics accused the State Department of delaying the investigation two years ago because of Chinese contributions to the 1996 Clinton re-election campaign.

As described in the March 1 NewsScope, this abrupt escalation of trouble with the Chinese arrived precisely as transiting Uranus, the planet of sudden crisis, opposed China’s war planet, Mars. While Chinese-American relations are now being recalculated (as Mercury in martial Aries retrogrades), the present crisis seems from an astrological perspective to be just beginning.

The present situation reflects the current Saturn-Neptune square now pervading the political climate. Saturn in Taurus promotes safe, realistic economic trade, while hopeful Neptune in free market Aquarius opens doors between the two countries. Every President since Nixon has pursued an engagement policy with China in the hope that increased commerce and prosperity will loosen up China’s autocratic government. However, as Saturn approaches its square to Neptune over the next month, this policy is revealing itself to be delusional.

Over the next few months Saturn and Uranus begin to clash in the heavens. This combination frequently brings extremely tense international developments, and often the outbreak of war. Saturn and Uranus are linking up directly to China’s militant Mars-Pluto conjunction and the U.S. Midheaven, indicating that China-U.S. relations are entering the most critical crossroads as we approach the next millennium.

OpEd: Political Astrology and NATO

celebrates its 50th anniversary in Washington next month, a date which contradicts the horoscope used by “mundane astrologers.” According to researcher Nicholas Campion, NATO’s horoscope should be set for August 24, 1949 when the treaty was finally ratified and officially signed into force by President Truman.

Political astrologer C.E.O. Carter defined the birth moment of a nation, not as the official beginning, but as the symbolic beginning as signified by the enormity of a particular moment. The NATO Treaty, signed on April 4, 1949 (at 4:52 pm in Washington) is this significant moment, the historic breakthrough in the formation of today’s most powerful military alliance. When comparing political developments relevant to NATO, this April 4 horoscope rings true.

Perhaps the best example is the demolition of the Berlin Wall, the concrete manifestation of the ideological division between the West and the East. The demolition began on November 9, 1989 during a rare alignment between Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune, and all three of these outer planets were exactly square the NATO Mars. Mars in a political horoscope is the most important planet since Mars rules generals and war machines.

At the moment, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary are joining NATO just as transiting Pluto and Juno (the partnership asteroid) are harmoniously trine to NATO’s Mars. Following U.S. shunning of the United Nations as the world’s best peacekeeping force, NATO has become the global village’s dominant military alliance, and worth tracking far into the future.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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