NewsScope for March 8, 1999
by WolfStar

Juno and Pluto, Monica and the Italians

Last Wednesday 74 million Americans turned to ABC’s 20-20 magazine show to see Barbara Walters interview Monica Lewinski. “Do you still love the President?” asked Walters. For two hours America listened intently to the Garbo-esque Monica reveal the intimate details of her relationship with the President.

Last week the leading astrological indicator was a Juno-Pluto configuration. Juno, the relationship asteroid, was conjunct Pluto, the planet representing complicated, psychologically intense situations. The combination of Juno and Pluto brings a political atmosphere filled with power struggles within relationships.

Juno and Pluto were aligned in the story-telling sign of Sagittarius. Tales of Monica’s seduction, betrayal, domination, and scandalous intrigue filled the airwaves last week, obliterating all other news stories. The most sophisticated reporters shamelessly discussed Monica’s motivations, her rapport with Barbara Walters, what she should have done, what she will do, and on and on....

Sagittarius is associated with foreign countries. One other top story was the acquittal of Capt. Richard Ashby over the accidental severing of gondola cables that killed 20 Italians. Italians were unanimously outraged by the verdict, and relationships between the U.S. and Italy have been damaged.

Considering that this verdict arrived during the Juno-Pluto conjunction, the Italians’ outrage can be seen as the reflection of a deeper psychological situation, much like the intense resentment and bitterness apparent in Monica’s relationship with Bill. She loves him, but she hates him.

The Italians are resentful, and perhaps envious of Americans’ status as the reigning superpower, and for their unilateral and capricious actions within NATO. The explosion of indignation over Ashby’s acquittal was the venting of much deeper relationship problems.

Op-Ed: Political Astrology

In 1951 renown British astrologer Charles Carter wrote a groundbreaking book called Political Astrology. For the first time astrologers began monitoring national events by examining national horoscopes. Carter used the term Political Astrology so as to distinguish from Mundane Astrology.

Mundane Astrology, the term still used by many astrologers today, had failed miserably in predicting the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany. The practice at the time was to judge the political atmosphere by casting Ingress horoscopes or horoscopes for major planetary conjunctions. These were then relocated to various nations’ capitals to see how the planets influenced local conditions.

Simultaneously, the practice of humanistic astrology prevented Mundane Astrologers from recognizing Hitler as a menace to world peace. Charles Carter developed Political Astrology to focus on the unique conditions within a country. To me, Political Astrology is an exciting branch of astrology filled with great potential for actual use in the real world.

Mundane Astrology is a failed science, and following the connotations of mundane, well... boring. By using a national horoscope, one can make accurate sociological, political, and economic forecasts, much like a meteorologist makes weather forecasts. These aren’t predictions, but best-guess scenarios astrologically projected from current events.

Monica and Barbara, Two Juno Women

As Juno and Pluto were conjunct in the sky last week, the most prominent news story involved two women who both have strong Juno-Pluto links in their natal horoscopes. Monica Lewinski (b. July 23, 1973; 12:22 pm; San Francisco, CA) has Juno sextile Pluto, and Barbara Walters (b. September 25 1929; 6:50 am; Boston, MA) has Juno trine Pluto.

Both Barbara and Monica can be described as “Juno women” since Juno is so prominently placed in both their charts. They both have Juno closely aspecting all three of the outer planets showing how their relationship patterns need to have a larger significance in the cultural environment. Their relationships, who they know, and how well they can get along with powerful people, represent stories of mythical proportions, stories that shape the moral and romantic notions of our era.

Both have Juno in the second house of self-esteem. In it’s essential definition, Juno here measures self-esteem through social status, especially by how prominent the partner is, or by who one knows. Why has Monica made a habit out of chasing married men? Juno the marriage asteroid conjunct Neptune, the planet of secrets and scandals, perfectly describes this tendency.

Comparing Monica’s chart to Barbara’s it becomes obvious why no other interviewer could understand and sympathize with Monica so well. They both have Venus in late Leo, conjunct the Royal Star Regulus, and not incidentally, conjunct Bill Clinton’s Sun. They have Mars exactly opposite the other’s as well as Saturn opposite Saturn.

The Sun in Libra (Barbara) and a Libra Ascendant (Monica) describe their mutual interest in presenting a diplomatic, smiling facade, even while discussing the most excruciatingly painful or taboo personal experiences, as described by their strong Pluto links.

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