NewsScope for February 15, 1999
by WolfStar

Jupiter and Saturn Bring New Political Season

The nation breathed a collective sigh of relief last Friday when the Senate concluded its Impeachment Trial by acquitting President Clinton on both charges. While virtually every Senator voiced his or her disgust at the President’s immoral, wretched conduct, less than a simple majority thought his actions rose to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors.

Astrologically, many planetary indicators paralleled this scandal’s developments, with perhaps the clearest being Jupiter’s. The Senate’s final vote came on the very last day that righteous Jupiter was in the sorry sign of Pisces. Now that Jupiter is in exuberant Aries, the political climate reflects the birth of Spring.

Jupiter began it’s journey through Pisces only days after the scandal began in January 1998. As morally perfect Jupiter trudged through the sign of remorse and suffering, politicians, pundits and voters contemplated the President’s guilt and debated a fitting rebuke. Now the long, torturous season of judgment and punishment is ended and a new political season is being born, precisely as Jupiter enters militant Aries.

A simultaneous planetary passage, one that brought Jupiter’s Pisces journey into the history books, was Saturn’s prolonged link to the nation’s ruling planet, Pluto. The combination of transiting Saturn to the U.S. Pluto tested the nation’s checks and balances system to its constitutional roots. While many observers and participants remain embittered, the democratic functions withstood the institutional challenges, and the U.S. remains the most enduring constitutional government in the global village.

American Troops to Kosovo

This year militant Mars spends an extra long time in Scorpio, America’s Rising Sign*. Scorpio, the most intense of the twelve signs, is perpetually in a warrior mode, especially when it comes to questions of right or wrong. America’s political crisis over the Clinton-Lewinski affair burst onto the front pages exactly as transiting Uranus squared the U.S. Scorpio Ascendant in late January 1998. In 1999 Uranus has moved on and the scandal is more or less behind us, but Mars has arrived and military adventures are just beginning.

Mars is on the U.S. Ascendant by February 20, but already the buzz is out about sending 4,000 American ground troops to Kosovo. Ever since Mars entered Scorpio the Air Force has been waging a Low Intensity Conflict in Iraq, and worrying about how to save the world from Russia’s hyper-weakened state, and its selling of biological, nuclear, and chemical weapons technology to rogue states and terrorists.

The U.S. tends toward war when Saturn goes through the U.S. seventh house of open enemies. Saturn will soon enter Taurus, and then speeds into the U.S. seventh house by May. The negotiated settlement between Kosovo and Serbia will likely lead to several years of American commitment in the Balkans. The entire Balkans episode is reminiscent of Mission Creep into Vietnam, which was the last time Saturn was in the U.S. seventh house.

The Wounded President

Bill Clinton (b. August 19, 1946; 8:51 am; Hope, AK) is blessed with a lucky Leo Sun-Jupiter-Uranus combination that periodically rescues him from his own indiscretions. However, at the moment he is undergoing two very important progressed aspects that will define the rest of his term in office, and the evolution of Pax Americana on the world stage.

First, his progressed Sun is nearly conjunct the comet/asteroid Chiron, frequently referred to as the Wounded Healer. The Sun, representing his identity, is absorbing the qualities of Chiron, and has already bestowed upon him the title of The Wounded President. Over the next two years as this progression completes, he will be seeking to become the Healer, as he works with his personal family, Congress, and the American people to overcome his moral lapse.

What makes the Wounded President a Cornered Tiger is his progressed Mars, now less than one degree from squaring his Pluto. The progressed Mars is accompanied by progressed Juno, a combination which is vexed in the extreme over being shafted by perceived enemies (the Right Wing Conspiracy).

Clinton is currently devising payback plans, which center on defeating Republicans in the 2000 elections. However, the deadly combination of Juno-Mars-Pluto has a ripple effect in all Presidential actions, including the desire to absolutely destroy something, whatever hapless target that might be (such as the pharmaceutical plant in Sudan).

Conversely, this combo may produce the power and influence to rectify his past actions by creating innovative domestic programs and peace deals across the planet. It all depends on the President’s state of mind, how well he can balance the competing desire to make good with opportunities to vent his rage.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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