February 9, 1998

The Russian Wildcard

Last week Russian President Boris Yeltsin warned that American use of force in Iraq could trigger World War III. Although unreported in U.S. media, Radio Moscow simultaneously announced the unveiling of a new super missile capable of eluding Pentagon defenses. Meanwhile, the nationalistic forces that dominate Russia's parliament are angrily denouncing NATO expansion, a move scheduled to be cleared by Congress this March.

As mentioned in last week's column, Russia's national horoscope has been under major stress from Mars and Pluto, the most forceful of the planets. Mars is moving ahead now, although it will be in a dangerously provocative position this coming Thursday and Friday (when Mars crosses Russia's Descendant).

Over the next six weeks Pluto remains in an extremely menacing position in Russia's chart (conjunct the IC). The astrological observer will be able to see how transits to this Pluto will directly correlate to Russian affairs, especially those that involve the use of absolute force. Perhaps the most important of these is the Solar Eclipse on February 26, but also Pluto's retrograde station on March 10.

Yeltsin's chart (February 1, 1931) is currently showing tendencies toward unpredictable and volatile behavior. His Aquarius personality can be likened to a "loose cannon" mentality (Sun opposite Mars) which is energized and electrically charged when facing an enemy.

This eccentric side of his nature is in full force now (as transiting Uranus rapidly approaches his Sun), and reaches maximum voltage in March. He's risking a heart attack under this influence, but equally prone to sudden attack against others.

Jupiter and the True Believer

Among the several important celestial conditions now in effect, one of the key trend-setters is Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter entered Pisces on February 4, and will remain in this sign for one year. Jupiter, the planet of religion and philosophy feels comfortable in Pisces, a sign which finds fulfillment and contentment in its spiritual beliefs. Jupiter is at home in this sign, and tends to foster compassion, kindness, mysticism, forgiveness, and understanding.

Jupiter in Pisces does have a down side, however. Pisces is not known for its discriminating mental faculties. When Jupiter is challenged by other planets, people can easily get attached to unrealistic or illogical beliefs. One reference describes this tendency as an "uncritical absorption of trashy pseudo-esoteric foolishness."

In the geopolitical arena, Jupiter in Pisces represents the True Believer, whether that belief is in an ancient religion, a national destiny, or a New Age utopia. Over the next month Jupiter will advance through Pisces until it forms a square with Pluto in Sagittarius, an aspect which happens to be exact when Pluto is making its retrograde station on March 9.

The celestial climate described by the Jupiter-Pluto connection indicates a growing tornado of religious extremism. Under this influence, many political decisions will be based on morality and righteousness. Terrorism will likely increase dramatically over the next month, as will the evocation of Armageddon and/or Jihad.

Saddam Hussein as Nebuchanezzar

The Iraqi situation is now the focus of world leaders everywhere. The United Nations is withdrawing its forces, and Germany has just signed on for the pending invasion. Israelis are donning their gas masks, and political pundits, the visiting Prime Minister, and a majority of Americans are ready to "take out" Saddam.

Saddam was born on April 28, 1937 in Tikrit, Iraq (34N36 43E42). Although the time is uncertain, 8:55 AM (BAT, or -3 from GMT) seems accurate and gives five degrees Cancer Rising. His Taurus Sun is conjunct Uranus, a combination which perfectly straddles the U.S. Descendant (according to the Scorpio Rising chart*), which is why Americans feel so psychologically gratified when hating this open enemy.

Saddam is nominally a follower of Islam, and periodically attempts to rally his Arab neighbors for some religious cause. His Jupiter-Pluto opposition describes his hypocritical zealotry, an aspect which has likewise promoted nationalistic ties to ancient Babylon.

Saddam's Neptune sits right on his nadir, the beginning of the fourth house of home and family. For a political leader, Neptune here harks back to a golden era; Saddam has identified himself with Nebuchanezzar, the Biblical King who in 597 B.C. captured Jerusalem and subjugated the Jews. He has reconstructed an ancient ziggurat to evoke this powerful image of empire.

If Saddam realizes his "cat and mouse" game with the Americans has gotten out of hand, he will most likely launch whatever nuclear or biological weapons he has against Israel. Within a few days of the Solar Eclipse (February 26) we are likely to see some major military developments in this region.

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising Home Page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email wolfstar3@aol.com

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