NewsScope for February 8, 1999
by WolfStar

Chelsea Grow Up

As the Senate winds down the Impeachment Trial, and works on a motion to Censure, the First Family has openly challenged increased media coverage of Chelsea. Why do Bill and Hillary fight so hard for their daughter’s privacy, even against the benign article that appeared in People magazine this week?

Chelsea was born on February 27, 1980 with her Sun exactly lined up with the U.S. Ceres, the asteroid which governs the parent-child relationship. When we think of Chelsea, we think of her parent’s relationship, both with each other and with her. Chelsea knows the inside scoop, but for the time being, she puts on a happy face and plays her blossoming teenager role.

Transiting Pluto has been squaring Chelsea’s Sun, and trine her Moon over the last month, ushering in a rapid growth phase. Beautiful Venus was on Chelsea’s Sun last week when she graced the cover of People magazine. But don’t believe that her parents have given up fighting for her privacy.

Bill’s Mars and Hillary’s Mars have their midpoint (10º19 Pisces) within two degrees of Chelsea’s Sun (8º47 Pisces). Transiting Pluto is on this Mars midpoint now, and continues through March 11 when Pluto turns retrograde. We can expect that these two will be fighting mad through the month of March, and in particular for Chelsea’s privacy and other parent-child concerns.

Nuremberg Files Deleted

Last Tuesday a Federal jury in Portland, Oregon awarded a $109 million verdict against abortion protesters, and later in the week their hostile web site called The Nuremberg Files was deleted by the webmaster’s Internet Service Provider. The site had Old West “Wanted”-styled posters on doctors who performed abortions, which included their names, addresses, and daily routines. A large red X appeared over each of the three doctors who had been killed.

Astrologically, the prominence of the Great Mother asteroid Ceres has defined this intensely controversial issue and its social evolution. Transiting Pluto squared the U.S. Ceres during the jury’s deliberations, and at the same time opposed the U.S. Uranus in Gemini. Uranus in Gemini represents the American ideal of freedom of expression, while Ceres in Pisces represents the concerns and compassion for Motherhood.

Pluto by transit often brings up life and death situations, and in this case the doctors’ lives and the lives of unborn children are both at issue. Pluto is in ethical Sagittarius, and naturally both sides feel they have the moral high ground. The Freedom of Speech vs. Abortion Rights debate is just getting started, as transiting Pluto turns retrograde in March, and then will re-visit this dangerous zodiac zone in June.

But Ceres by transit is also resonating powerfully with these events. Ceres just entered Gemini last week when the verdict was announced. Ceres will be conjunct the U.S. Uranus and square her own position in mid-March, when we can expect another eventful development in this emotional debate.

King Hussein and the Finger of God

Jordan’s King Hussein remained on life support systems last week as his nation prepared for his imminent death. Hussein’s passing will throw the delicate balance of power in the Middle East into turmoil, as Islamic neighbors will undoubtedly attempt to sway Prince Abdullah away from the U.S. and Israel.

King Hussein was born a passionate Scorpio on November 14, 1935 at 2:30 am in Amman. The Sun’s beneficial aspects to Pluto, Neptune, and Jupiter gave him charisma and lasting power in a turbulent region and era. Hussein’s Moon in sensitive, caring Cancer dominates his horoscope from its post at the Midheaven, which in a King’s chart represents his widespread appeal to his people.

Hussein’s Libra Ascendant is graced by a Venus-Pallas conjunction which over time eventually established him as a peacemaker and stabilizing force of moderation in a land filled with extremists. Venus Rising, and his sexy Scorpio Sun’s inconjunction to Juno, the marrying asteroid, gave him four wives and a wandering eye in the love department.

The prominence of the outer planets in King Hussein’s horoscope made his reign seem mythic, magical or supernatural. He came to the throne on August 11, 1952 following his grandfather’s assassination, and his schizophrenic father’s abdication. Hussein himself escaped death when a potentially lethal bullet hit him in the heart, only to be deflected by a medal he was wearing at the time.

This apparently divine protection can be seen in his progressed chart. His progressed Moon and Jupiter combined precisely in August 1952 with his exalted Moon to form a fateful or pre-destined configuration commonly known astrologically as the Finger of God.

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