NewsScope for January 31, 1999
by WolfStar

Eclipse Season

The New York Times unleashed a political bombshell Sunday morning with its front-page feature of Kenneth Starr’s latest legal strategy. Starr is mulling over the possibility of a Grand Jury Indictment of President Clinton, before he leaves office on January 20, 2001.

Since Sunday was the day of the Lunar Eclipse alignment with Uranus, astrologers expected some unusual or surprising developments. Last week the bipartisan Senate approach to handling the sex scandal fell apart on the issue of calling witnesses, but a timetable was tentatively arranged, so that the final vote, up or down, would come by February 12, only a few days before the Solar Eclipse on President Clinton’s Sun.

The dissolution of the Senate’s bipartisanship arrived exactly as transiting Saturn squared the U.S. Pluto. This week, that celestial influence is waning, and once again Senators are coming together to reach an Exit Strategy centering on a mutually agreed Findings of Fact. Depending on the precise wording, Clinton would be found guilty of lying, but not perjury. And this would allow Congress to get back to the People’s Business.

The N.Y. Times story made it clear that any Senate resolution to wind down the Clinton scandal would not end Starr’s intentions to prosecute the President under a civil suit. While the legal jousting raises important Constitutional issues, a Starr spokesman said, “There's no statute of limitations problem. We have developed a criminal case.”

A Star is Born

The King of Jordan, the longest surviving monarch in the Middle East, returned to the U.S. last week for cancer treatments. Before leaving his homeland, he surprised political observers by suddenly redesignating his heir apparent from his younger brother to his eldest son, Prince Abdullah bin Hussein.

Prince Hussein celebrated his 37th birthday last Saturday (January 30), putting his birthdate within orb of the 1962 Solar Eclipse and seven planet line-up in Aquarius. While Hindu astrologers prepared their clients for the end of the world, psychic Jeanne Dixon had a Dream about some supernatural person born during the day of the Solar Eclipse February 5, 1962. Dixon alternatively described this person as the Second Coming or the Anti-Christ, she wasn’t sure which one.

Pope John Paul II further electrified observers last week when he suggested that the Anti-Christ was alive today. The Pope’s ill health reminded Catholics that his visit to this continent may have been his last. Other monarchs in transition were the Monarch Butterflies, entering the endangered species category due to loss of habitat and changing weather conditions.

Meanwhile, The King of Basketball, Superstar Michael Jordan was in the news for promoting a $5 million scholarship program. And Presidential Pal Vernon Jordan was also spotlighted as being one of the three witnesses called in the Senate Impeachment Trial. The synchronicity of the Jordan theme and the synchronicity of the monarch theme intersects with the situation in the Middle East.

John Paul II Visits St. Louis

Looking frail but offering a healthy dose of traditional Catholic advice for Americans, Pope John Paul II was treated like a rock star last week during his visit to St. Louis. The Pope spent some time with beleaguered President Clinton, and later in the week arranged to have the death sentence of a convicted killer reduced to life imprisonment.

Pope John Paul II was born a solid, unflappable Taurus (May 18, 1920; 5:00 pm in Wadowice, Poland), with his Moon in multi-lingual Gemini. The two planets that denote religious and spiritual awareness, Jupiter and Neptune, are conjunct in the tenth house of career, and in the royal sign of Leo. John Paul II was elected Pope on October 16, 1978 when his progressed Venus had reached his Midheaven.

The Pope has Mars on his Ascendant, a placement statistician Michel Gauquelin has correlated to professional athleticism. John Paul in his youth was known as a daredevil for his dangerous swims in the flooded Swaka River, and he enjoyed playing soccer, kayaking, skiing, and mountain climbing. This abundance of physical energy has assisted him in surviving numerous personal injuries, plus become the most traveled Pope in history by visiting 117 nations.

John Paul II has his Sun and Moon in the eighth house which defines much of his Catholic mission as safeguarding not only the traditional values and authority of the Catholic Church, but also the Vatican’s hidden financial empire. The Pope also has Mercury in the eighth house, a planetary placement which governs communication with the dead. Just last week the Vatican issued the first update for the rite of exorcism since 1614.

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