January 26, 1998

State of the Union: Crisis Mode

Last week visiting Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat sat bewildered as reporters asked Clinton about his sexual conduct with Monica Lewinsky. Meanwhile Iraqi President Saddam Hussein called up a million volunteers to prepare for an imminent war against the United States. An unsettling maelstrom centered on a silent President.

Regular readers of this column were not surprised by these stunning events, as the dramatic celestial trigger, a Mars-Jupiter conjunction right on the U.S. Moon,* has been described several times over the past month. On January 5, readers read about the Challenger explosion that took place under parallel circumstances, and: "Anticipate explosive events on January 19-21 when Mars and Jupiter make a similar connection."

Looking forward, this coming week continues to reverberate with a crisis atmosphere. The New Moon takes place on January 28 (at 1:01 AM EST) and marks an exceptionally volatile time due to the precise alignment with Uranus, the planet of sudden and unexpected developments. This alignment is further underscored since it forms an exact square to the U.S. Scorpio Rising Ascendant.

The President's State of the Union Address, scheduled for Tuesday, is also the day before Neptune enters Aquarius. While some astrologers are reasonably hailing Neptune's grand entrance as the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, euphoric celebrations will be heavily weighed down by Saturn.

Saturn will soon enter Taurus (and square Neptune), creating an extended climate characterized by sordid scandal, sadness, and morbid disillusionment. This process clears out the garbage, and prepares the collective for new organizational systems. Then, as Neptune moves through Aquarius over the next few years, expect new political, civic, and especially religious or spiritual groups to be created with the underlying charter of building a more perfect society.

Juno, Queen of the Goddesses

Traditional astrologers are explaining Clinton's sex scandal by noting the presence of Saturn in his seventh house of partners, concurrent with his progressed Moon crossing the Descendant. These general indications can be explicitly clarified by using the asteroid Juno, known as the Queen of the Goddesses.

Juno describes relationship developments, and the kinds of potential partnerships a person will attract. Clinton has Juno extremely well-placed in his natal horoscope: Juno is conjunct his Jupiter in Libra, and favorably aspected throughout the rest of the chart.

Clinton first met Monica Lewinski in December 1995 when transiting Neptune was squaring his natal Juno. By transit Juno has just emerged from Clinton's twelfth house of secret affairs, precisely as Lewinski appeared with her taped confession of a sexual relationship. Juno is turning retrograde at the beginning of this week, and we can expect that this appearance of improper relationship has also reached a turning point.

Clinton's progressed Juno is nearing a square with his Pluto. Juno, also referred to as the Storm Goddess, can unleash a hurricane of vengeance when she feels she's crossed (hence Lewinski's reference to the "creep" and "Mr. Schmucko"). By late 1999 Clinton's progressed Mars will join Juno (squaring Pluto), unleashing a fury of hurt, angry partners. Even if Clinton escapes the Lewinski affair, he still has to deal with Paula Jones and Hillary.

Monica Lewinski, Raised in Beverly Hills 90210

With her Sun in Leo and Moon in Taurus, Monica Lewinski (b. July 23, 1973 in San Francisco) has a strong drive to be recognized, propelled by stubborn convictions, self-confidence, and drama. Bill Clinton, Carl Jung, Mick Jagger, Anita Hill, and Jerry Falwell all have this same Sun-Moon blend. The defensive mode with this combination appears as moodiness and puffy arrogance.

Is she a reliable witness? Her Leo Sun is conjunct the asteroid Vesta, denoting someone who is devoted, loyal, and a hard worker. Her Sun is also closely aspecting Jupiter and other outer planets, which propel her into mythic, larger-than-life roles (like Paula Jones) with culture-wide significance. A Leo Sun opposite Jupiter easily exaggerates personal accomplishments, and is capable of stretching the truth for self-glorification.

Yet with Mars in direct, competitive Aries, she will aggressively pursue her heart's desire. Mars in her chart is dynamically modulated by two other planets. A Chiron conjunction describes a constant need to prove herself, and gives credence to the notion that she thrives in dangerous exploits, especially those that require great risk, boldness, and break the rules (opposite Uranus).

Her Sun is located right at the beginning of Leo, a point which is now being activated by Neptune in Aquarius, and soon by Saturn in Taurus. These difficult outer planet transits will keep her at the center of controversy throughout 1998, and make the truth a fleeting hope. Transiting Saturn and Neptune will simultaneously be connecting to Hillary's Scorpio Sun, and Bill's Saturn, symbol for his earthly power.

* The U.S. Moon at this location is true only for the Scorpio Rising chart. These kinds of accurate forecasts are only possible when using the correct USA horoscope. For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising Home Page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email wolfstar3@aol.com

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