NewsScope for January 25, 1999
by WolfStar

Lunar Eclipse Promises Political Lightening Storm

On January 31 at 11:07 am EST a Lunar Eclipse arrives to shake up the political landscape. This eclipse promises to be a particularly potent astrological event since the Sun is accompanied by unpredictable, crisis-oriented Uranus. Plus, the zodiacal location of this configuration triggers key natal planets in some of the most prominent politicians on today’s world stage.

Russian President Boris Yeltsin’s Sun happens to be exactly in line with this Lunar Eclipse. His recent bout with a bleeding ulcer, although currently considered manageable with rest and drugs, may take a sudden turn for the worse around the time of the eclipse. Meanwhile, Russia’s horoscope repeats the message of an impending crisis of leadership arriving soon.

Both President Clinton and Prosecutor Kenneth Starr have Pluto activated by the eclipse. The Washington sex scandal is reaching a conclusive turning point with this astrological milestone. Last week following the dynamic Mars-Saturn opposition, Clinton’s State of the Union speech and former Senator Dale Bumper’s impassioned defense turned the tide, so that now most Senators are looking for an Exit Strategy.

Watch for Hillary Clinton to be a conspicuous news item during the eclipse, plus or minus a day. Transiting Mars arrives on her Sun to push her forward, even as the eclipse hits her Chiron. She is wounded and angry, and ready to do battle with her enemies, which she has sees as an active, right-wing conspiracy.

Pluto Empowers the Asteroids

Last week members of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) cast email ballots on whether to reclassify Pluto as a Minor Planet. Astronomers have long thought that Pluto’s small size, icy composition, and eccentric orbit better places it among the 10,000 large asteroids and comets than with our Solar System’s concentric planets.

While many astronomers are content with downgrading or declassifying Pluto, astrologers and most amateur astronomers are emotionally attached to Pluto as a planet. Astrologers are especially aware of the immense importance of Pluto in natal horoscopes and would not take kindly to removing this archetype from the interpretations list.

Brian Marsden, who directs the IAU’s Minor Planet Center, said that Pluto’s change in status should not be seen as a demotion. Marsden reports that a groundswell of opinion is pushing to give Pluto the numeric designation 10,000 to commemorate its 1999 crossing of Neptune’s orbit, and to honor its recently deceased discoverer Clyde Tombaugh. He placed Pluto in the same respectable category as the asteroids Ceres, Vesta, and Eros.

Rather than being a downgrade from planet status, astrologers might see Pluto’s presence among the larger asteroids as being an upgrade for the asteroids. As Pluto passes beyond Neptune’s orbit, it has in a sense sacrificed itself for the sake of promoting the Goddess archetypes represented by the premier asteroids. When astrologers start using Ceres, Vesta, and Eros (and Pallas and Juno) in the same way they are now using Pluto, the horoscope becomes gender balanced.

The Governor’s Ready to Rumble

Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura arrived at his inaugural ball last week wearing pink sunglasses, three earrings, and a Jimi Hendrix T-shirt. Dubbed the People’s Celebration, the ball was attended by more people in jeans than tuxedos. “It's sort of a political event, but it's more of a people's event, a celebration. The whole concept of his party is that everyone can come, not just the upper echelon,” said one participant.

Former wrestling professional Jesse Ventura was born a sensitive guy with his Sun in emotionally expressive Cancer (July 15, 1951; 3:00 am; Minneapolis, MN). A defiant, rebellious Mars-Uranus conjunction is rising in the first house, and accounts for his strong-man image as a barroom brawler and outlaw motorcycle enthusiast.

The ruler of Ventura’s career, image-conscious Neptune, is in the fifth house of entertainment and sports. While we think of wrestling and body-building as macho sports, those who excel are closer to the feminine qualities of creating an attractive, artistic presentation. Pro wrestling is a choreographed showbusiness, and Jesse “The Body” Ventura owes his renown to angular (and therefore dominant) Venus in hardworking, meticulous Virgo.

Adding to Ventura’s image as the outlaw or outsider is another angular placement, Chiron, which is in the funny-man sign of Sagittarius. As a wrestler, Ventura was always the “bad guy.” Now as a politician, he is the first and only elected Governor from Ross Perot’s Reform Party. His popularity is growing across the nation, and already his many fans are promoting a run for President in 2000.

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