NewsScope for January 18, 1999
by WolfStar

The State of the Union
On Tuesday January 19 President Clinton will deliver the State of the Union speech during the extraordinary Senate impeachment trial. Some Senators may not attend and others will limit their applause. Beneath the polite surface, many Senators are enraged.
The major astrological indicators for this intense confrontation were described in this column two weeks ago, but a coincident cycle expands the subtext of these events. During the evening of the 19th Juno, the marriage asteroid, and Chiron, the Wounded Healer, will be conjunct in the ethical, moralistic, legal sign of Sagittarius. Juno and Chiron are not easy going celestial partners. When Chiron’s sense of justice is denied, uncontrollable wrath quickly ensues. Juno is equally concerned about balance and fairness issues, but because she brings a sense of social awareness, any hurt feelings tend to turn inward, creating a powerful storm of resentment just under the surface.
The venomous combination of Juno and Chiron has been completely overlooked in most astrological circles since these two are not considered among the traditional planets. Chiron was only discovered in 1977, and Juno is only one of the four major asteroids. Yet in every horoscope cast for the White House sex scandal, Juno and Chiron repeatedly turn up together, instilling a political climate of rage, bitterness, and unhealthy obsessions. When the President speaks of the State of the Union, the Goddess Juno hears about how well the marriage is doing. Hillary, intent on keeping up appearances, is polite and gracious. Congress, as the political partner of the Executive branch, is courteous and diplomatic. Underneath, the Goddess Juno is very, very angry.

Juno and Chiron
Juno and Chiron represent a powerful dynamic in the United States because they are exactly opposed to each other in the nation’s horoscope. Using the Scorpio Rising* chart, Juno is located in the secretive 12th house and exactly opposed by Chiron in the 6th house of health and military service.
Historically, the activation of this axis has frequently manifested as some homicidal maniac going on a rampage. The most recent example of this was when transiting Mars and Saturn passed over these two in late July 1997 and serial killer Andrew Cunanan had just murdered the renown designer Gianni Versace.
Recently, many sociologists have likened the nation’s excessive violence to a public health problem. This perspective is in complete accord with the holistic understanding of Chiron. The link to the 12th house Juno shows how violent rampages are correlated to feelings of hopelessness and being a social outcast. The Juno-Chiron axis in the U.S. horoscope also shows how throughout American history many Presidents have had adulterous relationships. Until now, the secretive 12th house has kept these affairs in the closet. Bill Clinton’s horoscope currently features his progressed Chiron conjunct Juno. The Senate trial began precisely as the U.S. Juno-Chiron axis was activated by major progression (progressed Moon conjunct Chiron). With the nearing of the year 2000 - and the expanded awareness of the “other” as symbolized by the number 2, the Juno archetype is emerging into collective consciousness. The Goddess Awakens at the Millennium.

Larry Flynt, the Honest Pornographer

Pornographer Larry Flynt has been in the headlines recently for offering $1 million for any verifiable information about adulterers in high office. His reward system led directly to the resignation of would-be Republican House Leader Robert Livingston, and the besmirched reputation of Clinton-hater Senator Robert Barr.

Larry Flynt was born a power-hungry Scorpio (November 1, 1942; 9:10 pm; Magoffin County, KY), with his love planets Venus and Mars also in sexual Scorpio. All three of these planets are squaring obsessive Pluto, coloring everything he does with manipulative extremism and pushing the limits of socially acceptable behavior.

The sharpest configuration, and therefore the central dynamic in Flynt’s chart, is Juno squaring the Midheaven and opposite Uranus. Juno in free-wheeling Sagittarius tends to shy away from traditional, committed relationships, and this is made all the more radical by the opposition to independent, quirky Uranus. Then, Juno as his image of woman as sexual partner mingles with fantasy (Pisces) and career (Midheaven) to make Hustler magazine.

Flynt has had his most severe legal battles against Christian Preacher Jerry Falwell (b. August 11, 1933). The closest aspects between Falwell and Flynt’s horoscopes are mutual Chiron-Juno links. They hate and wound each other over their attitudes about women’s roles. At the moment, Flynt is going through a Juno Return, accompanied this time by Chiron. Flynt knows how to hurt people (Chiron) using their hypocritical stance on marriage (Juno).

* For a detailed look at the USA Scorpio Rising chart, visit the Scorpio Rising home page. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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