
NewsScope for January 11, 1998
by WolfStar

American Systems on Trial

Last week the Senate trial of President Clinton moved forward with the archaic protocol borrowed from Andrew Johnson’s trial 131 years ago. In an effort to avoid the appearance of bipartisanship, the Senate voted 100-0 on the procedural schedule, delaying the sticky issue of whether to call witnesses.

Astrologically, transiting Saturn is nearing its crucial, final square to the U.S. Pluto, which becomes exact on January 28. Between then and now all major American power structures (Pluto in Capricorn) are being Saturn-tested for their reliability, strength, and dominance.

Some American institutions are faring well, such as Corporate America, led by the internet revolution. The general economy swelled with prosperity last week as stock markets hit record highs and unemployment figures were their lowest in 40 years.

At the moment, the dignified Senate is coming off as the ultimate power in the U.S. system of government. However, the historic precedents are minimal, and from this point on the Senate is making up the rules up as it goes. As described here last week, transiting Mars is propelling the behind-the-scenes negotiations by its passage through the secretive U.S. twelfth house.

Reflecting these astrological conditions, several other pressure-cooker, secret deliberations took place last week: The NBA finally reached agreement to begin their basketball season, and corporate sponsors of the Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics are reconsidering their financial support following revelations of bribery. Also in the cloak-and-dagger department, U.S. intelligence agencies were accused of using U.N. inspectors to infiltrate Iraq and undermine Saddam Hussein’s regime, a clear violation of international agreements.

Women Politicians Up and Running

As Saturn squares the U.S. Pluto, the cycle of power in American politics comes to an historic climax. The most ambitious politicians, those who would be President in 2001, know that the reformed primary season favors an early start.

Republican hopefuls were stunned last week when Elizabeth Dole resigned from her position as head of the Red Cross, and announced her intentions to be the first serious woman candidate for U.S. President. This event took place when the U.S. progressed Moon was conjunct Juno, the marriage asteroid. Dole, born on July 29, 1936 has her bright, energetic Leo Sun conjunct Juno, and is well known as the wife of Kansas Senator Bob Dole.

The likelihood of a serious woman Presidential candidate was described in detail in NewsScope’s March 23, 1998 column. The central astrological indicator for this unprecedented political development is the U.S. progressed Sun conjunct the Aquarius Moon, which becomes exact in July 2000, or approximately when the two parties choose their contender for the November election.

Women in politics was given another boost last week when Andrew Cuomo turned down a fine opportunity to run for New York Senator in 2000. Speculation that Hillary Clinton was now the top contender for that seat has been fueled by her immense popularity in New York, and astrologically by the fact that her progressed Sun is opposite Uranus, impelling her to seek out her own political identity.

Robin Williams Scores with Patch Adams

Ignoring near unanimous disapproval from movie reviewers, audiences across America once again made Patch Adams the number one box office draw last week. Robin Williams plays a medical student who uses outrageous humor to help heal patients. While critics didn’t like his preachiness, audiences were clearly thrilled and warmed by the alternative health care message.

Robin Williams was born with his Sun in the sensitive and caring sign of Cancer (July 21, 1951; 1:34 pm; Milwaukee, WI*), a quality often dramatically portrayed in his various movie roles. Williams’ penetrating wit can be seen in his Mercury-Pluto conjunction which resides in the 10th house of career, and the frequent anti-establishment roles he plays can be seen in his defiant Mars-Uranus conjunction.

The specific qualities of “alternative healer” that Williams has fine-tuned for Patch Adams is derived from his Chiron, found natally in the clowning sign of Sagittarius. For over a decade after World War II Saturn and Chiron formed a dynamic square, a generational aspect affecting a majority of Baby Boomer’s charts.

Williams is closer to this generational aspect than most since his Cancer Sun is closely linked to both Saturn and Chiron. Saturn, representing the traditional expectations and regulations, is challenged by Chiron, the holistic or shamanistic approach. Patch Adams fits perfectly into the Saturn-Chiron conflict, as the movie was panned by mainstream critics, but welcomed by the millions of potential patients seeking caring, humane doctors.

* Reliable sources disagree about his year of birth, which alternatively is listed as 1952, using same date and time. Reader feedback is welcome. Email:

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